import logging import os import random import sqlite3 import time from easyfl.communication import grpc_wrapper from easyfl.pb import common_pb2 as common_pb from easyfl.pb import tracking_service_pb2 as tracking_pb from easyfl.protocol.codec import marshal logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) DEFAULT_SQLITE_DB = "easyfl.db" STORAGE_SQLITE = "sqlite" STORAGE_REMOTE = "remote" TYPE_ROUND = "round" TYPE_CLIENT = "client" DEFAULT_TIMEOUT = 10 CREATE_TASK_METRIC_SQL = ''' CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS task_metric (task_id CHAR(50) NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, config TEXT);''' CREATE_ROUND_METRIC_SQL = ''' CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS round_metric (task_id CHAR(50) NOT NULL, round_id INT NOT NULL, accuracy REAL NOT NULL, loss REAL NOT NULL, round_time REAL NOT NULL, train_time REAL NOT NULL, test_time REAL NOT NULL, train_distribute_time REAL, test_distribute_time REAL, train_upload_size REAL, train_download_size REAL, test_upload_size REAL, test_download_size REAL, extra TEXT, PRIMARY KEY (task_id, round_id));''' CREATE_CLIENT_METRIC_SQL = ''' CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS client_metric (task_id CHAR(50) NOT NULL, round_id INT NOT NULL, client_id CHAR(20) NOT NULL, train_accuracy TEXT , train_loss TEXT , test_accuracy REAL , test_loss REAL , train_time REAL , test_time REAL , train_upload_time REAL , test_upload_time REAL , train_upload_size REAL , train_download_size REAL , test_upload_size REAL , test_download_size REAL , extra TEXT , PRIMARY KEY (task_id, round_id, client_id));''' def get_store(path=None, address=None): if address: return RemoteStorage(address) else: return SqliteStorage(path) def get_storage_type(is_remote=True): if is_remote: return STORAGE_REMOTE else: return STORAGE_SQLITE class SqliteStorage(object): """SqliteStorage uses sqlite to save tracking metrics """ def __init__(self, database=None): if database is None: database = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "tracker", DEFAULT_SQLITE_DB) self._conn = sqlite3.connect(database, check_same_thread=False) self.setup() def __del__(self): self._conn.close() def setup(self): with self._conn: try: self._retry_execute(CREATE_TASK_METRIC_SQL)"Setup task metric table") self._retry_execute(CREATE_ROUND_METRIC_SQL)"Setup round metric table") self._retry_execute(CREATE_CLIENT_METRIC_SQL)"Setup client metric table") except sqlite3.OperationalError as e: logger.error(f"Failed to setup table, error: {e}") # ------------------ store metrics ------------------ def store_task_metric(self, metric): sql = "INSERT INTO task_metric(task_id, config) VALUES (?, ?)" try: self._retry_execute(sql, metric.to_sql_param()) logger.debug("Task metric saved successfully") except (sqlite3.OperationalError, sqlite3.DatabaseError) as e: logger.error(f"Failed to store round metric, error: {e}") def store_round_metric(self, metric): sql = ''' INSERT INTO round_metric ( task_id, round_id, accuracy, loss, round_time, train_time, test_time, train_distribute_time, test_distribute_time, train_upload_size, train_download_size, test_upload_size, test_download_size, extra) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?);''' try: self._retry_execute(sql, metric.to_sql_param()) logger.debug("Round metric saved successfully") except (sqlite3.OperationalError, sqlite3.DatabaseError) as e: logger.error(f"Failed to store round metric {metric.task_id} {metric.round_id}, error: {e}") def store_client_metrics(self, metrics): """Store a list of client metrics. If the client exists, replace the values. :param metrics, list of client metrics to store, []. """ sql = ''' INSERT INTO client_metric ( task_id, round_id, client_id, train_accuracy, train_loss, test_accuracy, test_loss, train_time, test_time, train_upload_time, test_upload_time, train_upload_size, train_download_size, test_upload_size, test_download_size, extra) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?);''' params = [metric.to_sql_param() for metric in metrics] try: with self._conn: self._conn.executemany(sql, params) logger.debug("Client metrics saved successfully") except (sqlite3.OperationalError, sqlite3.DatabaseError) as e: logger.error(f"Failed to store client metrics, error: {e}") def store_client_train_metric(self, tid, rid, cid, train_loss, train_time, train_upload_time, train_download_size, train_upload_size): sql = "INSERT INTO client_metric (task_id, round_id, client_id, train_loss, train_time, " \ "train_upload_size, train_download_size, train_upload_size) VALUES (?, ? ,? ,?, ?, ?, ?, ?);" param = (tid, rid, cid, train_loss, train_time, train_upload_time, train_download_size, train_upload_size) try: self._retry_execute(sql, param) except sqlite3.OperationalError as e: logger.error("Failed to store client train metric, error: {}".format(e)) def store_client_test_metric(self, tid, rid, cid, test_acc, test_loss, test_time, test_upload_time, test_download_size): sql = "UPDATE client_metric SET test_accuracy=?, test_loss=?, test_time=? ,test_upload_size=?, " \ "test_download_size=? WHERE task_id=? AND round_id=? AND client_id=?;" param = (test_acc, test_loss, test_time, test_upload_time, test_download_size, tid, rid, cid) try: self._retry_execute(sql, param) except sqlite3.OperationalError as e: logger.error("Failed to store client test metric, error: {}".format(e)) # ------------------ get metrics ------------------ def get_task_metric(self, task_id): sql = "SELECT * FROM task_metric WHERE task_id=?" with self._conn: result = self._conn.execute(sql, (task_id,)) for r in result: return r def get_round_metrics(self, task_id, rounds): if rounds: sql = "SELECT * FROM round_metric WHERE task_id=? AND round_id IN (%s)" % ("?," * len(rounds))[:-1] param = [task_id] + rounds else: sql = "SELECT * FROM round_metric WHERE task_id=?" param = (task_id,) with self._conn: result = self._conn.execute(sql, param) return result def get_client_metrics(self, task_id, round_id, client_ids=None): if client_ids: sql = "SELECT * FROM client_metric WHERE task_id=? AND round_id=? \ AND client_id IN (%s)" % ("?," * len(client_ids))[:-1] param = [task_id, round_id] + client_ids else: sql = "SELECT * FROM client_metric WHERE task_id=? AND round_id=?" param = (task_id, round_id) with self._conn: result = self._conn.execute(sql, param) return result def get_round_train_test_time(self, tid, rounds, interval=1): sql = "SELECT SUM(train_time+test_time) FROM round_metric WHERE task_id=? AND round_id