import logging import numpy as np import torch import torch.distributed as dist logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) CPU = "cpu" RANDOMIZE_GROUPING = "random" GREEDY_GROUPING = "greedy" SLOWEST_GROUPING = "slowest" def reduce_models(model, sample_sum): """Aggregate models across devices and update the model with the new aggregated model parameters. Args: model (nn.Module): The model in a device to aggregate. sample_sum (int): Sum of the total dataset sizes of clients in a device. """ dist.all_reduce(sample_sum, op=dist.ReduceOp.SUM) state = model.state_dict() for k in state.keys(): dist.all_reduce(state[k], op=dist.ReduceOp.SUM) state[k] = torch.div(state[k], sample_sum) model.load_state_dict(state) def reduce_models_only_params(model, sample_sum): """Aggregate models across devices and update the model with the new aggregated model parameters, excluding the persistent buffers like BN stats. Args: model (nn.Module): The model in a device to aggregate. sample_sum (torch.Tensor): Sum of the total dataset sizes of clients in a device. """ dist.all_reduce(sample_sum, op=dist.ReduceOp.SUM) for param in model.parameters(): dist.all_reduce(, op=dist.ReduceOp.SUM) = torch.div(, sample_sum) def reduce_value(value, device): """Calculate the sum of the value across devices. Args: value (float/int): Value to sum. device (str): The device where the value is on, either cpu or cuda devices. Returns: torch.Tensor: Sum of the values. """ v = torch.tensor(value).to(device) dist.all_reduce(v, op=dist.ReduceOp.SUM) return v def reduce_values(values, device): """Calculate the average of values across devices. Args: values (list[float|int]): Values to average. device (str): The device where the value is on, either cpu or cuda devices. Returns: torch.Tensor: The average of the values across devices. """ length = torch.tensor(len(values)).to(device) total = torch.tensor(sum(values)).to(device) dist.all_reduce(length, op=dist.ReduceOp.SUM) dist.all_reduce(total, op=dist.ReduceOp.SUM) return torch.div(total, length) def reduce_weighted_values(values, weights, device): """Calculate the weighted average of values across devices. Args: values (list[float|int]): Values to average. weights (list[float|int]): The weights to calculate weighted average. device (str): The device where the value is on, either cpu or cuda devices. Returns: torch.Tensor: The average of values across devices. """ values = torch.tensor(values).to(device) weights = torch.tensor(weights).to(device) total_weights = torch.sum(weights).to(device) weighted_sum = torch.sum(values * weights).to(device) dist.all_reduce(total_weights, op=dist.ReduceOp.SUM) dist.all_reduce(weighted_sum, op=dist.ReduceOp.SUM) return torch.div(weighted_sum, total_weights) def gather_value(value, world_size, device): """Gather the value from devices to a list. Args: value (float|int): The value to gather. world_size (int): The number of processes. device (str): The device where the value is on, either cpu or cuda devices. Returns: list[torch.Tensor]: A list of gathered values. """ v = torch.tensor(value).to(device) target = [v.clone() for _ in range(world_size)] dist.all_gather(target, v) return target def grouping(clients, world_size, default_time=10, strategy=RANDOMIZE_GROUPING, seed=1): """Divide clients into groups with different strategies. Args: clients (list[:obj:`BaseClient`]): A list of clients. world_size (int): The number of processes, it represent the number of groups here. default_time (float, optional): The default training time for not profiled clients. strategy (str, optional): Strategy of grouping, options: random, greedy, worst. When no strategy is applied, each client is a group. seed (int, optional): Random seed. Returns: list[list[:obj:`BaseClient`]]: Groups of clients, each group is a sub-list. """ np.random.seed(seed) if strategy == RANDOMIZE_GROUPING: return randomize_grouping(clients, world_size) elif strategy == GREEDY_GROUPING: return greedy_grouping(clients, world_size, default_time) elif strategy == SLOWEST_GROUPING: return slowest_grouping(clients, world_size) else: # default, no strategy applied return [[client] for client in clients] def randomize_grouping(clients, world_size): """"Randomly divide clients into groups. Args: clients (list[:obj:`BaseClient`]): A list of clients. world_size (int): The number of processes, it represent the number of groups here. Returns: list[list[:obj:`BaseClient`]]: Groups of clients, each group is a sub-list. """ num_of_clients = len(clients) np.random.shuffle(clients) data_per_client = num_of_clients // world_size large_group_num = num_of_clients - world_size * data_per_client small_group_num = world_size - large_group_num grouped_clients = [] for i in range(small_group_num): base_index = data_per_client * i grouped_clients.append(clients[base_index: base_index + data_per_client]) small_size = data_per_client * small_group_num data_per_client += 1 for i in range(large_group_num): base_index = small_size + data_per_client * i grouped_clients.append(clients[base_index: base_index + data_per_client]) return grouped_clients def greedy_grouping(clients, world_size, default_time): """"Greedily allocate the clients with longest training time to the most available device. Args: clients (list[:obj:`BaseClient`]): A list of clients. world_size (int): The number of processes, it represent the number of groups here. default_time (float, optional): The default training time for not profiled clients. Returns: list[list[:obj:`BaseClient`]]: Groups of clients, each group is a sub-list. """ round_time_estimation = [[i, c.round_time] if c.round_time != 0 else [i, default_time] for i, c in enumerate(clients)] round_time_estimation = sorted(round_time_estimation, reverse=True, key=lambda tup: (tup[1], tup[0])) top_world_size = round_time_estimation[:world_size] groups = [[clients[index]] for (index, time) in top_world_size] time_sum = [time for (index, time) in top_world_size] for i in round_time_estimation[world_size:]: min_index = np.argmin(time_sum) groups[min_index].append(clients[i[0]]) time_sum[min_index] += i[1] return groups def slowest_grouping(clients, world_size): """"Allocate the clients with longest training time to the most busy device. Only for experiment, not practical in use. Args: clients (list[:obj:`BaseClient`]): A list of clients. world_size (int): The number of processes, it represent the number of groups here. Returns: list[list[:obj:`BaseClient`]]: Groups of clients, each group is a sub-list. """ num_of_clients = len(clients) clients = sorted(clients, key=lambda tup: (tup.round_time, tup.cid)) data_per_client = num_of_clients // world_size large_group_num = num_of_clients - world_size * data_per_client small_group_num = world_size - large_group_num grouped_clients = [] for i in range(small_group_num): base_index = data_per_client * i grouped_clients.append(clients[base_index: base_index + data_per_client]) small_size = data_per_client * small_group_num data_per_client += 1 for i in range(large_group_num): base_index = small_size + data_per_client * i grouped_clients.append(clients[base_index: base_index + data_per_client]) return grouped_clients def dist_init(backend, init_method, world_size, rank, local_rank): """Initialize PyTorch distribute. Args: backend (str or Backend): Distributed backend to use, e.g., `nccl`, `gloo`. init_method (str, optional): URL specifying how to initialize the process group. world_size (int, optional): Number of processes participating in the job. rank (int, optional): Rank of the current process. local rank (int, optional): Local rank of the current process. Returns: int: Rank of current process. int: Total number of processes. """ dist.init_process_group(backend, init_method=init_method, rank=rank, world_size=world_size) assert dist.is_initialized() return rank, world_size def get_device(gpu, world_size, local_rank): """Obtain the device by checking the number of GPUs and distributed settings. Args: gpu (int): The number of requested gpu. world_size (int): The number of processes. local_rank (int): The local rank of the current process. Returns: str: Device to be used in PyTorch like ``. """ if gpu > world_size: logger.error("Available gpu: {}, requested gpu: {}".format(world_size, gpu)) raise ValueError("available number of gpu are less than requested") # TODO: think of a better way to handle this, maybe just use one config param instead of two. assert gpu == world_size n = torch.cuda.device_count() device_ids = list(range(n)) return device_ids[local_rank]