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- syntax = "proto3";
- package easyfl.pb;
- import "easyfl/pb/common.proto";
- message UploadRequest {
- string task_id = 1;
- int32 round_id = 2;
- string client_id = 3;
- UploadContent content = 4;
- }
- message UploadContent {
- // Data is the marshaled data, value depends on data type.
- bytes data = 1;
- // Type of data.
- DataType type = 2;
- // optional, number of data point
- int64 data_size = 3;
- // optional, client metric
- ClientMetric metric = 4;
- // optional, extra upload content
- bytes extra = 99;
- }
- message Performance {
- float accuracy = 1;
- float loss = 2;
- }
- message UploadResponse {
- Status status = 1;
- }
- message RunRequest {
- bytes model = 1;
- // Optional, run server with provided clients.
- repeated Client clients = 2;
- // [Deprecated] Optional, run server with client addresses getting from etcd.
- string etcd_addresses = 3;
- }
- message RunResponse {
- Status status = 1;
- }
- message StopRequest {}
- message StopResponse {
- Status status = 1;
- }
- message Client {
- string client_id = 1;
- string address = 2;
- int32 index = 3;
- }
- service ServerService {
- rpc Upload (UploadRequest) returns (UploadResponse) {}
- rpc Run (RunRequest) returns (RunResponse) {}
- rpc Stop (StopRequest) returns (StopResponse) {}
- }