# Configuration Instructions ## 1. Description Contains the general configuration of the `FATE project` and the configuration of each subsystem ## 2. Global configuration - Path: `${FATE_PROJECT_BASE}/conf/server_conf.yaml` - Description: Commonly used configuration, generally needed to determine when deploying - Note: Configuration items that are not listed below in the configuration file are internal system parameters and are not recommended to be modified ```yaml # If FATEFlow uses the registry, FATEFlow will register the FATEFlow Server address and the published model download address to the registry for the online system FATEServing; it will also get the FATEServing address from the registry. use_registry: false # Whether to enable higher security serialization mode use_deserialize_safe_module: false dependent_distribution: false # party id: required for site authentication party_id: # Hook module configuration hook_module: # Client authentication hooks client_authentication: fate_flow.hook.flow.client_authentication # site-side authentication hooks site_authentication: fate_flow.hook.flow.site_authentication # Permission authentication hooks permission: fate_flow.hook.flow.permission # In addition to using flow's hooks for authentication and authentication, we also support authentication and authentication interfaces registered with third-party services # The name of the service registered by the third-party authentication and authentication service hook_server_name: # Authentication authentication: # Client authentication configuration client: # Client authentication switch switch: false http_app_key: http_secret_key: # Site authentication configuration site: # Authentication switch switch: false # Authentication permission: # Authentication switch switch: false # Component authentication switch component: false # Data set authentication switch dataset: false fateflow: # you must set real ip address, and is not supported host: http_port: 9380 grpc_port: 9360 # The nginx address needs to be configured for high availability nginx: host: http_port: grpc_port: # use random instance_id instead of {host}:{http_port} random_instance_id: false # support rollsite/nginx/fateflow as a coordination proxy # rollsite support fate on eggroll, use grpc protocol # nginx support fate on eggroll and fate on spark, use http or grpc protocol, default is http # fateflow support fate on eggroll and fate on spark, use http protocol, but not support exchange network mode # format(proxy: rollsite) means rollsite use the rollsite configuration of fate_one_eggroll and nginx use the nginx configuration of fate_one_spark # you also can customize the config like this(set fateflow of the opposite party as proxy): # proxy: # name: fateflow # host: xx # http_port: xx # grpc_port: xx proxy: rollsite # support default/http/grpc protocol: default database: name: fate_flow user: fate passwd: fate host: port: 3306 max_connections: 100 stale_timeout: 30 # The registry address and its authentication parameters zookeeper: hosts: - use_acl: false user: fate password: fate # engine services default_engines: computing: standalone federation: standalone storage: standalone fate_on_standalone: standalone: cores_per_node: 20 nodes: 1 fate_on_eggroll: clustermanager: # CPU cores of the machine where eggroll nodemanager service is running cores_per_node: 16 # the number of eggroll nodemanager machine nodes: 1 rollsite: host: port: 9370 fate_on_spark: spark: # default use SPARK_HOME environment variable home: cores_per_node: 20 nodes: 2 linkis_spark: cores_per_node: 20 nodes: 2 host: port: 9001 token_code: MLSS python_path: /data/projects/fate/python hive: host: port: 10000 auth_mechanism: username: password: linkis_hive: host: port: 9001 hdfs: name_node: hdfs://fate-cluster # default / path_prefix: rabbitmq: host: mng_port: 12345 port: 5672 user: fate password: fate # default conf/rabbitmq_route_table.yaml route_table: pulsar: host: port: 6650 mng_port: 8080 cluster: standalone # all parties should use a same tenant tenant: fl-tenant # message ttl in minutes topic_ttl: 5 # default conf/pulsar_route_table.yaml route_table: nginx: host: http_port: 9300 grpc_port: 9310 # external services fateboard: host: port: 8080 # on API `/model/load` and `/model/load/do` # automatic upload models to the model store if it exists locally but does not exist in the model storage # or download models from the model store if it does not exist locally but exists in the model storage # this config will not affect API `/model/store` or `/model/restore` enable_model_store: false # default address for export model model_store_address: # use mysql as the model store engine # storage: mysql # database: fate_model # user: fate # password: fate # host: # port: 3306 # other optional configs send to the engine # max_connections: 10 # stale_timeout: 10 # use redis as the model store engine # storage: redis # host: # port: 6379 # db: 0 # password: # the expiry time of keys, in seconds. defaults None (no expiry time) # ex: # use tencent cos as model store engine storage: tencent_cos Region: SecretId: SecretKey: Bucket: # The address of the FATE Serving Server needs to be configured if the registry is not used servings: hosts: - fatemanager: host: port: 8001 federatedId: 0 ``` ## 3. FATE Flow Configuration ### 3.1 FATE Flow Server Configuration - Path: `${FATE_FLOW_BASE}/python/fate_flow/settings.py` - Description: Advanced configuration, generally no changes are needed - Note: Configuration items that are not listed below in the configuration file are internal system parameters and are not recommended to be modified ```python # Thread pool size of grpc server used by FATE Flow Server for multiparty FATE Flow Server communication, not set default equal to the number of CPU cores of the machine GRPC_SERVER_MAX_WORKERS = None # Switch # The upload data interface gets data from the client by default, this value can be configured at the time of the interface call using use_local_data UPLOAD_DATA_FROM_CLIENT = True # Whether to enable multi-party communication authentication, need to be used with FATE Cloud CHECK_NODES_IDENTITY = False # Whether to enable the resource authentication function, need to use with FATE Cloud USE_AUTHENTICATION = False # Resource privileges granted by default PRIVILEGE_COMMAND_WHITELIST = [] ``` ### 3.2 FATE Flow Default Job Configuration - Path: `${FATE_FLOW_BASE}/conf/job_default_config.yaml` - Description: Advanced configuration, generally no changes are needed - Note: Configuration items that are not listed below in the configuration file are internal system parameters and are not recommended to be modified - Take effect: use flow server reload or restart fate flow server ```yaml # component provider, relative path to get_fate_python_directory default_component_provider_path: federatedml # resource # total_cores_overweight_percent total_cores_overweight_percent: 1 # 1 means no overweight total_memory_overweight_percent: 1 # 1 means no overweight # Default task parallelism per job, you can configure a custom value using job_parameters:task_parallelism when submitting the job configuration task_parallelism: 1 # The default number of CPU cores per task per job, which can be configured using job_parameters:task_cores when submitting the job configuration task_cores: 4 # This configuration does not take effect as memory resources are not supported for scheduling at the moment task_memory: 0 # mb # The ratio of the maximum number of CPU cores allowed for a job to the total number of resources, e.g., if the total resources are 10 and the value is 0.5, then a job is allowed to request up to 5 CPUs, i.e., task_cores * task_parallelism <= 10 * 0.5 max_cores_percent_per_job: 1 # 1 means total # scheduling # Default job execution timeout, you can configure a custom value using job_parameters:timeout when submitting the job configuration job_timeout: 259200 # s # Timeout for communication when sending cross-participant scheduling commands or status remote_request_timeout: 30000 # ms # Number of retries to send cross-participant scheduling commands or status federated_command_trys: 3 end_status_job_scheduling_time_limit: 300000 # ms end_status_job_scheduling_updates: 1 # Default number of auto retries, you can configure a custom value using job_parameters:auto_retries when submitting the job configuration auto_retries: 0 # Default retry interval auto_retry_delay: 1 #seconds # Default multiparty status collection method, supports PULL and PUSH; you can also specify the current job collection mode in the job configuration federated_status_collect_type: PUSH # upload upload_max_bytes: 104857600 # bytes #component output output_data_summary_count_limit: 100 ``` ## 4. FATE Board Configuration - Path: `${FATE_BOARD_BASE}/conf/application.properties` - Description: Commonly used configuration, generally needed to determine when deploying - Note: Configuration items that are not listed below in the configuration file are internal system parameters and are not recommended to be modified ```properties # Service listening port server.port=8080 # fateflow address, referring to the http port address of fateflow fateflow.url== # db address, same as the above global configuration service_conf.yaml inside the database configuration fateboard.datasource.jdbc-url=jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/fate_flow?characterEncoding=utf8&characterSetResults=utf8&autoReconnect= true&failOverReadOnly=false&serverTimezone=GMT%2B8 # db configuration, same as the above global configuration service_conf.yaml inside the database configuration fateboard.datasource.username= # db configuration, same as the above global configuration service_conf.yaml inside the database configuration fateboard.datasource.password= server.tomcat.max-threads=1000 server.tomcat.max-connections=20000 spring.servlet.multipart.max-file-size=10MB spring.servlet.multipart.max-request-size=100MB # Administrator account configuration server.board.login.username=admin server.board.login.password=admin server.ssl.key-store=classpath: server.ssl.key-store-password= server.ssl.key-password= server.ssl.key-alias= # When fateflo server enables api access authentication, you need to configure HTTP_APP_KEY= HTTP_SECRET_KEY= ``` ## 5. EggRoll ### 5.1 System configuration - Path: `${EGGROLL_HOME}/conf/eggroll.properties` - Description: Commonly used configuration, generally needed to determine when deploying - Note: Configuration items that are not listed below in the configuration file are internal system parameters and are not recommended to be modified ```properties [eggroll] # core # MySQL connection configuration, generally required for production applications eggroll.resourcemanager.clustermanager.jdbc.driver.class.name=com.mysql.cj.jdbc. # MySQL connection configuration, generally required for production applications eggroll.resourcemanager.clustermanager.jdbc.url=jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/eggroll_meta?useSSL=false&serverTimezone=UTC& characterEncoding=utf8&allowPublicKeyRetrieval=true # Connect to MySQL account, this configuration is required for general production applications eggroll.resourcemanager.clustermanager.jdbc.username= # Connect to MySQL password, generally required for production applications eggroll.resourcemanager.clustermanager.jdbc.password= # Data storage directory eggroll.data.dir=data/ # Log storage directory eggroll.logs.dir=logs/ eggroll.resourcemanager.clustermanager.host= eggroll.resourcemanager.clustermanager.port=4670 eggroll.resourcemanager.nodemanager.port=4670 # python path eggroll.resourcemanager.bootstrap.eggg_pair.venv= # pythonpath, usually you need to specify the python directory of eggroll and the python directory of fate eggroll.resourcemanager.bootstrap.eggg_pair.pythonpath=python # java path eggroll.resourcemanager.bootstrap.eggg_frame.javahome= # java service startup parameters, no special needs, no need to configure eggroll.resourcemanager.bootstrap.eggg_frame.jvm.options= # grpc connection hold time for multi-party communication eggroll.core.grpc.channel.keepalive.timeout.sec=20 # session # Number of computing processes started per nodemanager in an eggroll session; replaced by the default parameters of the fate flow if using fate for committing tasks eggroll.session.processors.per.node=4 # rollsite eggroll.rollsite.coordinator=webank eggroll.rollsite.host= eggroll.rollsite.port=9370 eggroll.rollsite.party.id=10001 eggroll.rollsite.route.table.path=conf/route_table.json eggroll.rollsite.push.max.retry=3 eggroll.rollsite.push.long.retry=2 eggroll.rollsite.push.batches.per.stream=10 eggroll.rollsite.adapter.sendbuf.size=100000 ``` ### 5.2 Routing table configuration - Path: `${EGGROLL_HOME}/conf/route_table.json` - Description: Commonly used configuration, generally needed to determine when deploying - The routing table is mainly divided into two levels - The first level indicates the site, if the corresponding target site configuration is not found, then use **default** - The second level represents the service, if you can not find the corresponding target service, then use **default** - The second level, usually set **default** as the address of our **rollsite** service, and **fateflow** as the grpc address of our **fate flow server** service ```json { "route_table": { "10001": { "default":[ { "port": 9370, "ip": "" } ], "fateflow":[ { "port": 9360, "ip": "" } ] }, "10002": { "default":[ { "port": 9470, "ip": "" } ] } }, "permission": { "default_allow": true } } ```