--- name: New Algorithm about: implement a new algorithm title: '[WIP]implement algorithm xxx' labels: 'federatedml' assignees: 'mgqa34,dylan-fan' --- # New Algorithm - Name: - Category: ## Short Description ## WIP - [ ] Main Code - [ ] sub task 1 - [ ] sub task 2 - [ ] ... - [ ] Docs - [Algorithm READMD.md](https://github.com/FederatedAI/FATE/fix_this_link) - Add entry to `federatedml/READMD` - [ ] Pipeline - [ ] code - [ ] param - [ ] component - [ ] doc for new component - [ ] Example - [ ] pipeline - [ ] dsl - [ ] benchmark_quality ## Check and Acceptance - [ ] PR - [ ] add reviewer: @mgqa34 @dylan-fan - [ ] add assigner - [ ] add labels - [ ] link projects - [ ] link this issue - [ ] Confirm `Params` consistent between `federatedml` and `pipeline` - [ ] Examples tested