# Evaluation This module provides evaluation methods for classification, regression and clustering. Available metrics include: 1. AUC: Compute AUC for binary classification. 2. KS: Compute Kolmogorov-Smirnov for binary classification. 3. LIFT: Compute lift of binary classification. 4. PRECISION: Compute the precision for binary and multi-classification 5. RECALL: Compute the recall for binary and multi-classification 6. ACCURACY: Compute the accuracy for binary and multi-classification 7. EXPLAINED\_VARIANCE: Compute explain variance for regression tasks 8. MEAN\_ABSOLUTE\_ERROR: Compute mean absolute error for regression tasks 9. MEAN\_SQUARED\_ERROR: Compute mean square error for regression tasks 10. MEAN\_SQUARED\_LOG\_ERROR: Compute mean squared logarithmic error for regression tasks 11. MEDIAN\_ABSOLUTE\_ERROR: Compute median absolute error for regression tasks 12. R2\_SCORE: Compute R^2 (coefficient of determination) score for regression tasks 13. ROOT\_MEAN\_SQUARED\_ERROR: Compute the root of mean square error for regression tasks 14. JACCARD\_SIMILARITY\_SCORE:Compute Jaccard similarity score for clustering tasks (labels are needed) 15. ADJUSTED\_RAND\_SCORE:Compute adjusted rand score for clustering tasks (labels are needed) 16. FOWLKES\_MALLOWS\_SCORE:Compute Fowlkes Mallows score for clustering tasks (labels are needed) 17. DAVIES\_BOULDIN\_INDEX:Compute Davies Bouldin index for clustering tasks 18. DISTANCE\_MEASURE:Compute cluster information in clustering algorithms 19. CONTINGENCY\_MATRIX:Compute contingency matrix for clustering tasks (labels are needed) 20. PSI: Compute Population Stability Index. 21. F1-Score: Compute F1-Score for binary tasks.