## Hetero Pearson Configuration Usage Guide. This section introduces the dsl and conf for usage of different type of task. #### Training Task. 1. Base Cross Parties Task: dsl: test_hetero_pearson_default_dsl.json runtime_config : test_hetero_pearson_default_conf.json 2. Host Only Task: dsl: test_hetero_pearson_host_only_dsl.json runtime_config : test_hetero_pearson_host_only_conf.json 3. Sole Task: dsl: test_hetero_pearson_sole_dsl.json runtime_config : test_hetero_pearson_sole_conf.json 4. Use Mix Rand Task: dsl: test_hetero_pearson_mix_rand_dsl.json runtime_config : test_hetero_pearson_mix_rand_conf.json Users can use following commands to run a task. flow job submit -c ${runtime_config} -d ${dsl}