## Hetero SecureBoost Pipeline Example Usage Guide. #### Example Tasks This section introduces the Pipeline scripts for different types of tasks. 1. Train Binary Classification Task: script: pipeline-hetero-sbt-binary.py 2. Train Binary Classification Task with prediction: script: pipeline-hetero-sbt-binary-with-predict.py 3. Train Multi-class Classification Task: script: pipeline-hetero-sbt-multi.py 4. Train Regression Task: script: pipeline-hetero-sbt-regression.py 5. Training With Complete Secure Activated: script: pipeline-hetero-sbt-binary-complete-secure 6. Training With Early-stop Activated: script: pipeline-hetero-sbt-with-early-stop 7. Train Binary Classification With Missing Features: script: pipeline-hetero-sbt-with-missing-value 8. Train Binary Classification Task With Cross-Validation: script: pipeline-hetero-sbt-binary-cv.py 9. Train Multi-class Classification Task Cross-Validation: script: pipeline-hetero-sbt-multi-cv.py 10. Train Regression Task Cross-Validation: script: pipeline-hetero-sbt-regression-cv.py 11. Train With Multi-host: script: pipeline-hetero-sbt-regression-multi-host.py Users can run a pipeline job directly: python ${pipeline_script}