123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354 |
- import grpc
- import time
- import json
- import sys
- import uuid
- from fate_arch.protobuf.python import inference_service_pb2
- from fate_arch.protobuf.python import inference_service_pb2_grpc
- import threading
- def run(address):
- ths = []
- with grpc.insecure_channel(address) as channel:
- for i in range(1):
- th = threading.Thread(target=send, args=(channel,))
- ths.append(th)
- st = int(time.time())
- for th in ths:
- th.start()
- for th in ths:
- th.join()
- et = int(time.time())
- def process_response(call_future):
- print(call_future.result())
- def send(channel):
- stub = inference_service_pb2_grpc.InferenceServiceStub(channel)
- request = inference_service_pb2.InferenceMessage()
- request_data = dict()
- request_data['serviceId'] = 'xxxxxxxxx'
- request_data['applyId'] = ''
- # request_data['modelId'] = 'arbiter-10000#guest-10000#host-10000#model' # You can specify the model id this way
- # request_data['modelVersion'] = 'acd3e1807a1211e9969aacde48001122' # You can specify the model version this way
- request_data['caseid'] = uuid.uuid1().hex
- feature_data = dict()
- feature_data['fid1'] = 5.1
- feature_data['fid2'] = 6.2
- feature_data['fid3'] = 7.6
- request_data['featureData'] = feature_data
- request_data['sendToRemoteFeatureData'] = feature_data
- print(json.dumps(request_data, indent=4))
- request.body = json.dumps(request_data).encode(encoding='utf-8')
- print(stub.inference(request))
- if __name__ == '__main__':
- run(sys.argv[1])