upload_data_guide.md 4.2 KB

Upload Data Guide


Before start a modeling task, the data to be used should be uploaded. Typically, a party is usually a cluster which include multiple nodes. Thus, when we upload these data, the data will be allocated to those nodes.

Accepted Data Type

DataTransform(DataIO) module accepts the following input data format and transforms them to desired output Table.

  • dense input format
    input Table's value item is a list of single element, e.g. :

  • svm-light input format
    first item of input Table's value is label, following by a list of complex "feature_id:value" items, e.g. :

    1 1:0.5 2:0.6
    0 1:0.7 3:0.8 5:0.2
  • tag input format
    the input Table's value is a list of tag, data io module first aggregates all tags occurred in input table, then changes all input line to one-hot representation in sorting the occurred tags by lexicographic order, e.g. assume values is :

    a c
    a b d

    after processing, the new values became: :

    1 0 1 0
    1 1 0 1
  • :tag:value input format: the input Table's value is a list of tag:value, like a mixed svm-light and tag input-format. data io module first aggregates all tags occurred in input table, then changes all input line to one-hot representation in sorting the occurred tags by lexicographic order, then fill the occur item with value. e.g. assume values is

    a:0.2 c:1.5
    a:0.3 b:0.6 d:0.7

    after processing, the new values became: :

    0.2 0 0.5 0
    0.3 0.6 0 0.7

Define upload data config file

Here is an example showing how to create a upload config file:

  "file": "examples/data/breast_hetero_guest.csv",
  "table_name": "hetero_breast_guest",
  "namespace": "experiment",
  "head": 1,
  "partition": 8

Field Specifications:

  1. file: file path
  2. table_name & namespace: Indicators for stored data table.
  3. head: Specify whether your data file include a header or not
  4. partition: Specify how many partitions used to store the data

Upload Command

We use fate-flow to upload data. Starting at FATE ver1.5, FATE-Flow Client Command Line is recommended for interacting with FATE-Flow.

The command is as follows:

$ flow data upload -c examples/dsl/v2/upload/upload_conf.json

Meanwhile, user can still upload data using python script as in the older versions:

python ${your_install_path}fateflow/python/fate_flow/fate_flow_client.py -f upload -c examples/dsl/v2/upload/upload_conf.json

!!! Note

This step is needed for every data-provide party(i.e. Guest and Host).

After running this command, the following information is shown if it is success.

    "data": {
        "board_url": "",
        "code": 0,
        "dsl_path": "/data/projects/fate/fateflow/jobs/202111111542373868350/job_dsl.json",
        "job_id": "202111111542373868350",
        "logs_directory": "/data/projects/fate/fateflow/logs/202111111542373868350",
        "message": "success",
        "model_info": {
            "model_id": "local-0#model",
            "model_version": "202111111542373868350"
        "namespace": "experiment",
        "pipeline_dsl_path": "/data/projects/fate/fateflow/jobs/202111111542373868350/pipeline_dsl.json",
        "runtime_conf_on_party_path": "/data/projects/fate/fateflow/jobs/202111111542373868350/local/0/job_runtime_on_party_conf.json",
        "runtime_conf_path": "/data/projects/fate/fateflow/jobs/202111111542373868350/job_runtime_conf.json",
        "table_name": "breast_hetero_guest",
        "train_runtime_conf_path": "/data/projects/fate/fateflow/jobs/202111111542373868350/train_runtime_conf.json"
    "jobId": "202111111542373868350",
    "retcode": 0,
    "retmsg": "success"

And as this output shown, table_name and namespace have been listed, which can be taken as input config in submit-runtime conf.