11 KB



Used to upload the input data for the modeling task to the storage system supported by fate

flow data upload -c ${conf_path}

Note: conf_path is the parameter path, the specific parameters are as follows


parameter name required type description
file yes string data storage path
id_delimiter yes string Data separator, e.g. ","
head no int Whether the data has a table header
partition yes int Number of data partitions
storage_engine no string storage engine type, default "EGGROLL", also support "HDFS", "LOCALFS", "HIVE", etc.
namespace yes string table namespace
table_name yes string table name
storage_address no object The storage address of the corresponding storage engine is required
use_local_data no int The default is 1, which means use the data from the client's machine; 0 means use the data from the fate flow service's machine.
drop no int Whether to overwrite uploads
extend_sid no bool Whether to add a new column for uuid id, default False
auto_increasing_sid no bool Whether the new id column is self-increasing (will only work if extend_sid is True), default False

mete information

parameter name required type description
input_format no string The format of the data (danse, svmlight, tag:value), used to determine
delimiter no string The data separator, default ","
tag_with_value no bool Valid for tag data format, whether to carry value
tag_value_delimiter no string tag:value data separator, default ":"
with_match_id no bool Whether or not to carry match id
with_match_id no object The name of the id column, effective when extend_sid is enabled, e.g., ["email", "phone"]
id_range no object For tag/svmlight format data, which columns are ids
exclusive_data_type no string The format of the special type data columns
data_type no string Column data type, default "float64
with_label no bool Whether to have a label, default False
label_name no string The name of the label, default "y"
label_type no string Label type, default "int"

In version 1.9.0 and later, passing in the meta parameter will generate anonymous information about the feature. Example

  • eggroll
      "file": "examples/data/breast_hetero_guest.csv",
      "id_delimiter": ",",
      "head": 1,
      "partition": 10,
      "namespace": "experiment",
      "table_name": "breast_hetero_guest",
      "storage_engine": "EGGROLL"
  • hdfs
      "file": "examples/data/breast_hetero_guest.csv",
      "id_delimiter": ",",
      "head": 1,
      "partition": 10,
      "namespace": "experiment",
      "table_name": "breast_hetero_guest",
      "storage_engine": "HDFS"
  • localfs
      "file": "examples/data/breast_hetero_guest.csv",
      "id_delimiter": ",",
      "head": 1,
      "partition": 4,
      "namespace": "experiment",
      "table_name": "breast_hetero_guest",
      "storage_engine": "LOCALFS"

return parameters

parameter name type description
jobId string job id
retcode int return code
retmsg string return message
data object return data


    "data": {
        "board_url": "",
        "code": 0,
        "dsl_path": "/data/projects/fate/jobs/202111081218319075660/job_dsl.json",
        "job_id": "202111081218319075660",
        "logs_directory": "/data/projects/fate/logs/202111081218319075660",
        "message": "success",
        "model_info": {
            "model_id": "local-0#model",
            "model_version": "202111081218319075660"
        "namespace": "experiment",
        "pipeline_dsl_path": "/data/projects/fate/jobs/202111081218319075660/pipeline_dsl.json",
        "runtime_conf_on_party_path": "/data/projects/fate/jobs/202111081218319075660/local/0/job_runtime_on_party_conf.json",
        "table_name": "breast_hetero_host",
    "jobId": "202111081218319075660",
    "retcode": 0,
    "retmsg": "success"


Used to query upload table history.

flow data upload-history -l 20
flow data upload-history --job-id $JOB_ID


parameter name required type description
-l --limit no int Number of records to return. (default: 10)
-j --job_id no string Job ID


Brief description:

Used to download data from within the fate storage engine to file format data

flow data download -c ${conf_path}

Note: conf_path is the parameter path, the specific parameters are as follows


parameter name required type description
output_path yes string download_path
table_name yes string fate table name
namespace yes int fate table namespace


  "output_path": "/data/projects/fate/breast_hetero_guest.csv",
  "namespace": "experiment",
  "table_name": "breast_hetero_guest"

return parameters

parameter name type description
jobId string job id
retcode int return code
retmsg string return message
data object return data


    "data": {
        "board_url": "",
        "code": 0,
        "dsl_path": "/data/projects/fate/jobs/202111081457135282090/job_dsl.json",
        "job_id": "202111081457135282090",
        "logs_directory": "/data/projects/fate/logs/202111081457135282090",
        "message": "success",
        "model_info": {
            "model_id": "local-0#model",
            "model_version": "202111081457135282090"
        "pipeline_dsl_path": "/data/projects/fate/jobs/202111081457135282090/pipeline_dsl.json",
        "runtime_conf_on_party_path": "/data/projects/fate/jobs/202111081457135282090/local/0/job_runtime_on_party_conf.json",
        "runtime_conf_path": "/data/projects/fate/jobs/202111081457135282090/job_runtime_conf.json",
        "train_runtime_conf_path": "/data/projects/fate/jobs/202111081457135282090/train_runtime_conf.json"
    "jobId": "202111081457135282090",
    "retcode": 0,
    "retmsg": "success"


Brief description:

Used to download data from the fate storage engine to the external engine or to save data as a new table

flow data writer -c ${conf_path}

Note: conf_path is the parameter path, the specific parameters are as follows


parameter name required type description
table_name yes string fate table name
namespace yes int fate table namespace
storage_engine no string Storage type, e.g., MYSQL
address no object storage_address
output_namespace no string Save as a table namespace for fate
output_name no string Save as fate's table name

Note: storage_engine, address are combined parameters that provide storage to the specified engine. output_namespace, output_name are also combined parameters, providing the function to save as a new table of the same engine


  "table_name": "name1",
  "namespace": "namespace1",
  "output_name": "name2",
  "output_namespace": "namespace2"


parameter name type description
jobId string job id
retcode int return code
retmsg string return information
data object return data


    "data": {
        "board_url": "",
        "code": 0,
        "dsl_path": "/data/projects/fate/fateflow/jobs/202201121235115028490/job_dsl.json",
        "job_id": "202201121235115028490",
        "logs_directory": "/data/projects/fate/fateflow/logs/202201121235115028490",
        "message": "success",
        "model_info": {
            "model_id": "local-0#model",
            "model_version": "202201121235115028490"
        "pipeline_dsl_path": "/data/projects/fate/fateflow/jobs/202201121235115028490/pipeline_dsl.json",
        "runtime_conf_on_party_path": "/data/projects/fate/fateflow/jobs/202201121235115028490/local/0/job_runtime_on_party_conf.json",
        "train_runtime_conf_path": "/data/projects/fate/fateflow/jobs/202201121235115028490/train_runtime_conf.json"
    "jobId": "202201121235115028490",
    "retcode": 0,
    "retmsg": "success"