123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371 |
- #
- # Copyright 2019 The FATE Authors. All Rights Reserved.
- #
- # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- # You may obtain a copy of the License at
- #
- # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- #
- # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- # limitations under the License.
- #
- import os
- import json
- from datetime import datetime
- import click
- from contextlib import closing
- from flow_client.flow_cli.utils import cli_args
- from flow_client.flow_cli.utils.cli_utils import (prettify, preprocess, download_from_request,
- access_server, check_abs_path)
- @click.group(short_help="Component Operations")
- @click.pass_context
- def component(ctx):
- """
- \b
- Provides numbers of component operational commands, including metrics, parameters and etc.
- For more details, please check out the help text.
- """
- pass
- @component.command("list", short_help="List Components Command")
- @cli_args.JOBID_REQUIRED
- @click.pass_context
- def list(ctx, **kwargs):
- """
- \b
- List components of a specified job.
- \b
- - USAGE:
- flow component list -j $JOB_ID
- """
- config_data, dsl_data = preprocess(**kwargs)
- access_server('post', ctx, 'tracking/component/list', config_data)
- @component.command("metrics", short_help="Component Metrics Command")
- @cli_args.JOBID_REQUIRED
- @cli_args.ROLE_REQUIRED
- @click.pass_context
- def metrics(ctx, **kwargs):
- """
- \b
- Query the List of Metrics.
- \b
- - USAGE:
- flow component metrics -j $JOB_ID -r host -p 10000 -cpn hetero_feature_binning_0
- """
- config_data, dsl_data = preprocess(**kwargs)
- access_server('post', ctx, 'tracking/component/metrics', config_data)
- @component.command("metric-all", short_help="Component Metric All Command")
- @cli_args.JOBID_REQUIRED
- @cli_args.ROLE_REQUIRED
- @click.pass_context
- def metric_all(ctx, **kwargs):
- """
- \b
- Query All Metric Data.
- \b
- - USAGE:
- flow component metric-all -j $JOB_ID -r host -p 10000 -cpn hetero_feature_binning_0
- """
- config_data, dsl_data = preprocess(**kwargs)
- access_server('post', ctx, 'tracking/component/metric/all', config_data)
- @component.command("metric-delete", short_help="Delete Metric Command")
- @click.option('-d', '--date', type=click.STRING,
- help="An 8-digit valid date, format like 'YYYYMMDD'")
- @cli_args.JOBID
- @click.pass_context
- def metric_delete(ctx, **kwargs):
- """
- \b
- Delete specified metric.
- If you input both two optional arguments, the 'date' argument will be detected in priority,
- while the job id will be ignored.
- \b
- - USAGE:
- flow component metric-delete -d 20200101
- flow component metric-delete -j $JOB_ID
- """
- config_data, dsl_data = preprocess(**kwargs)
- if config_data.get('date'):
- config_data['model'] = config_data.pop('date')
- access_server('post', ctx, 'tracking/component/metric/delete', config_data)
- @component.command("parameters", short_help="Component Parameters Command")
- @cli_args.JOBID_REQUIRED
- @cli_args.ROLE_REQUIRED
- @click.pass_context
- def parameters(ctx, **kwargs):
- """
- \b
- Query the parameters of a specified component.
- \b
- - USAGE:
- flow component parameters -j $JOB_ID -r host -p 10000 -cpn hetero_feature_binning_0
- """
- config_data, dsl_data = preprocess(**kwargs)
- access_server('post', ctx, 'tracking/component/parameters', config_data)
- @component.command("output-data", short_help="Component Output Data Command")
- @cli_args.JOBID_REQUIRED
- @cli_args.ROLE_REQUIRED
- @click.option('-l', '--limit', type=click.INT, default=-1,
- help='limit count, defaults is -1 (download all output data)')
- @click.pass_context
- def output_data(ctx, **kwargs):
- """
- \b
- Download the Output Data of A Specified Component.
- \b
- - USAGE:
- flow component output-data -j $JOB_ID -r host -p 10000 -cpn hetero_feature_binning_0 --output-path ./examples/
- """
- config_data, dsl_data = preprocess(**kwargs)
- tar_file_name = 'job_{}_{}_{}_{}_output_data.tar.gz'.format(config_data['job_id'],
- config_data['component_name'],
- config_data['role'],
- config_data['party_id'])
- extract_dir = os.path.join(config_data['output_path'], tar_file_name.replace('.tar.gz', ''))
- with closing(access_server('get', ctx, 'tracking/component/output/data/download',
- config_data, False, stream=True)) as response:
- if response.status_code == 200:
- try:
- download_from_request(http_response=response, tar_file_name=tar_file_name, extract_dir=extract_dir)
- res = {
- 'retcode': 0,
- 'directory': os.path.abspath(extract_dir),
- 'retmsg': 'Download successfully, please check {} directory'.format(
- os.path.abspath(extract_dir))}
- except BaseException:
- res = {'retcode': 100,
- 'retmsg': 'Download failed, please check if the parameters are correct.'}
- else:
- try:
- res = response.json()
- except Exception:
- res = {'retcode': 100,
- 'retmsg': 'Download failed, for more details please check logs/fate_flow/fate_flow_stat.log.'}
- prettify(res)
- @component.command("output-model", short_help="Component Output Model Command")
- @cli_args.JOBID_REQUIRED
- @cli_args.ROLE_REQUIRED
- @click.pass_context
- def output_model(ctx, **kwargs):
- """
- \b
- Query the Model of A Speicied Component.
- \b
- - USAGE:
- flow component output-model -j $JOB_ID -r host -p 10000 -cpn hetero_feature_binning_0
- """
- config_data, dsl_data = preprocess(**kwargs)
- access_server('post', ctx, 'tracking/component/output/model', config_data)
- @component.command("output-data-table", short_help="Component Output Data Table Command")
- @cli_args.JOBID_REQUIRED
- @cli_args.ROLE_REQUIRED
- @click.pass_context
- def output_data_table(ctx, **kwargs):
- """
- \b
- View Table Name and Namespace.
- \b
- - USAGE:
- flow component output-data-table -j $JOB_ID -r host -p 10000 -cpn hetero_feature_binning_0
- """
- config_data, dsl_data = preprocess(**kwargs)
- access_server('post', ctx, 'tracking/component/output/data/table', config_data)
- @component.command("get-summary", short_help="Download Component Summary Command")
- @cli_args.JOBID_REQUIRED
- @cli_args.ROLE_REQUIRED
- @cli_args.OUTPUT_PATH
- @click.pass_context
- def get_summary(ctx, **kwargs):
- """
- \b
- Download summary of a specified component and save it as a json file.
- \b
- - USAGE:
- flow component get-summary -j $JOB_ID -r host -p 10000 -cpn hetero_feature_binning_0
- flow component get-summary -j $JOB_ID -r host -p 10000 -cpn hetero_feature_binning_0 -o ./examples/
- """
- config_data, dsl_data = preprocess(**kwargs)
- if config_data.get("output_path"):
- if not os.path.isdir(config_data.get("output_path")):
- res = {
- "retcode": 100,
- "retmsg": "Please input a valid directory path."
- }
- else:
- config_data["filename"] = "summary_{}_{}.json".format(config_data['component_name'],
- datetime.now().strftime('%Y%m%d%H%M%S'))
- config_data["output_path"] = os.path.join(check_abs_path(
- config_data["output_path"]), config_data["filename"])
- with closing(access_server("post", ctx, "tracking/component/summary/download",
- config_data, False, stream=True)) as response:
- if response.status_code == 200:
- with open(config_data["output_path"], "wb") as fout:
- for chunk in response.iter_content(1024):
- if chunk:
- fout.write(chunk)
- res = {
- "retcode": 0,
- "retmsg": "The summary of component <{}> has been stored successfully. "
- "File path is: {}.".format(config_data["component_name"],
- config_data["output_path"])
- }
- else:
- try:
- res = response.json()
- except Exception:
- res = {"retcode": 100,
- "retmsg": "Download component summary failed, "
- "for more details, please check logs/fate_flow/fate_flow_stat.log."}
- prettify(res)
- else:
- access_server("post", ctx, "tracking/component/summary/download", config_data)
- @component.command('hetero-model-merge', short_help='Merge Hetero Model Command')
- @click.option('--model-type', type=click.STRING, required=True)
- @click.option('--output-format', type=click.STRING, required=True)
- @click.option('--target-name', type=click.STRING)
- @click.option('--host-rename/--no-host-rename', is_flag=True, default=None)
- @click.option('--include-guest-coef/--no-include-guest-coef', is_flag=True, default=None)
- @click.pass_context
- def hetero_model_merge(ctx, **kwargs):
- """
- \b
- Merge a hetero model.
- \b
- - USAGE:
- flow component hetero-model-merge --model-id guest-9999#host-9998#model --model-version 202208241838502253290 --guest-party-id 9999 --host-party-ids 9998,9997 --component-name hetero_secure_boost_0 --model-type secureboost --output-format pmml --target-name y --no-host-rename --no-include-guest-coef --output-path model.xml
- """
- config_data, dsl_data = preprocess(**kwargs)
- config_data['host_party_ids'] = config_data['host_party_ids'].split(',')
- response = access_server('post', ctx, 'component/hetero/merge', config_data, False)
- if not response.json().get('data'):
- prettify(response)
- return
- with open(config_data['output_path'], 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f:
- f.write(response.json()['data'])
- @component.command('woe-array-extract', short_help='Extract WOE Array Command')
- @cli_args.ROLE_REQUIRED
- @click.pass_context
- def woe_array_extract(ctx, **kwargs):
- """
- \b
- Extract WOE array from a guest model.
- \b
- - USAGE:
- flow component woe-array-extract --model-id guest-9999#host-10000#model --model-version 202211142055541649630 --role guest --party-id 9999 --component-name hetero_feature_binning_0 --output-path woe_array.json
- """
- config_data, dsl_data = preprocess(**kwargs)
- response = access_server('post', ctx, 'component/woe_array/extract', config_data, False)
- if not response.json().get('data'):
- prettify(response)
- return
- with open(config_data['output_path'], 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f:
- json.dump(response.json()['data'], f)
- @component.command('woe-array-merge', short_help='Merge WOE Array Command')
- @cli_args.ROLE_REQUIRED
- @click.pass_context
- def woe_array_merge(ctx, **kwargs):
- """
- \b
- Merge WOE array into a host model.
- \b
- - USAGE:
- flow component woe-array-merge --model-id guest-9999#host-10000#model --model-version 202211142055541649630 --role host --party-id 10000 --component-name hetero_feature_binning_0 --input-path woe_array.json
- """
- config_data, dsl_data = preprocess(**kwargs)
- with open(config_data.pop('input_path'), 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f:
- config_data['woe_array'] = json.load(f)
- access_server('post', ctx, 'component/woe_array/merge', config_data)