123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355 |
- #!/usr/bin/env python
- # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
- #
- # Copyright 2019 The FATE Authors. All Rights Reserved.
- #
- # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- # You may obtain a copy of the License at
- #
- # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- #
- # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- # limitations under the License.
- #
- import copy
- import functools
- import numpy as np
- class DataFormatPreProcess(object):
- @staticmethod
- def get_feature_offset(meta):
- """
- works for sparse/svmlight/tag value data
- """
- with_label = meta.get("with_label", False)
- with_match_id = meta.get("with_match_id", False)
- id_range = meta.get("id_range", 0)
- if with_match_id:
- if not id_range:
- id_range = 1
- offset = id_range
- if with_label:
- offset += 1
- return offset
- @staticmethod
- def agg_partition_tags(kvs, delimiter=",", offset=0, tag_with_value=True, tag_value_delimiter=":"):
- tag_set = set()
- for _, value in kvs:
- cols = value.split(delimiter, -1)[offset:]
- if tag_with_value:
- tag_set |= set([col.split(tag_value_delimiter, -1)[0] for col in cols])
- else:
- tag_set |= set(cols)
- return tag_set
- @staticmethod
- def get_tag_list(data, schema):
- if "meta" not in schema:
- raise ValueError("Meta not in schema")
- meta = schema["meta"]
- if meta["input_format"] != "tag":
- raise ValueError("Input DataFormat Should Be Tag Or Tag Value")
- delimiter = meta["delimiter"]
- tag_with_value = meta["tag_with_value"]
- if not isinstance(tag_with_value, bool):
- raise ValueError(f"tag with value should be bool, bug {tag_with_value} find")
- tag_value_delimiter = meta["tag_value_delimiter"]
- offset = DataFormatPreProcess.get_feature_offset(meta)
- agg_func = functools.partial(DataFormatPreProcess.agg_partition_tags,
- delimiter=delimiter,
- offset=offset,
- tag_with_value=tag_with_value,
- tag_value_delimiter=tag_value_delimiter)
- agg_tags = data.applyPartitions(agg_func).reduce(lambda tag_set1, tag_set2: tag_set1 | tag_set2)
- return sorted(agg_tags)
- @staticmethod
- def get_lib_svm_dim(data, schema):
- if "meta" not in schema:
- raise ValueError("Meta not in schema")
- meta = schema["meta"]
- if "input_format" == ["sparse", "svmlight"]:
- raise ValueError("Input DataFormat Should Be SVMLight")
- delimiter = meta.get("delimiter", " ")
- offset = DataFormatPreProcess.get_feature_offset(meta)
- max_dim = data.\
- mapValues(
- lambda value:
- max([int(fid_value.split(":", -1)[0]) for fid_value in value.split(delimiter, -1)[offset:]])).\
- reduce(lambda x, y: max(x, y))
- return max_dim
- @staticmethod
- def generate_header(data, schema):
- if not schema.get('meta'):
- raise ValueError("Meta not in schema")
- meta = schema["meta"]
- generated_header = dict(original_index_info=dict(), meta=meta)
- input_format = meta.get("input_format")
- delimiter = meta.get("delimiter", ",")
- if not input_format:
- raise ValueError("InputFormat should be configured.")
- if input_format == "dense":
- if "header" not in schema:
- raise ValueError("Dense input data must have schema")
- header = schema["header"].strip().split(delimiter, -1)
- header = list(map(lambda col: col.strip(), header))
- header_index_mapping = dict(zip(header, range(len(header))))
- with_label = meta.get("with_label", False)
- if not isinstance(with_label, bool):
- raise ValueError("with_label should be True or False")
- id_list = meta.get("id_list", [])
- if not isinstance(id_list, (type(None), list)):
- raise ValueError("id_list should be list type or None")
- with_match_id = meta.get("with_match_id", False)
- filter_ids = set()
- if with_match_id:
- if not id_list:
- match_id_name = header[0]
- match_id_index = [0]
- filter_ids.add(0)
- else:
- match_id_name = []
- match_id_index = []
- for _id in id_list:
- if _id in header_index_mapping:
- match_id_name.append(_id)
- match_id_index.append(header_index_mapping[_id])
- filter_ids.add(match_id_index[-1])
- else:
- raise ValueError(f"Can not find {_id} in id_list in data's header")
- generated_header["match_id_name"] = match_id_name
- generated_header["original_index_info"]["match_id_index"] = match_id_index
- if with_label:
- label_name = meta["label_name"]
- label_index = header_index_mapping[label_name]
- generated_header["label_name"] = label_name
- generated_header["original_index_info"]["label_index"] = label_index
- filter_ids.add(label_index)
- header_ids = list(filter(lambda ids: ids not in filter_ids, range(len(header))))
- generated_header["original_index_info"]["header_index"] = header_ids
- generated_header["header"] = np.array(header)[header_ids].tolist()
- else:
- if input_format == "tag":
- sorted_tag_list = DataFormatPreProcess.get_tag_list(data, schema)
- generated_header["header"] = sorted_tag_list
- elif input_format in ["sparse", "svmlight"]:
- max_dim = DataFormatPreProcess.get_lib_svm_dim(data, schema)
- generated_header["header"] = [SVMLIGHT_COLUMN_PREFIX + str(i) for i in range(max_dim + 1)]
- else:
- raise NotImplementedError(f"InputFormat {input_format} is not implemented")
- with_label = meta.get("with_label", False)
- with_match_id = meta.get("with_match_id", False)
- id_range = meta.get("id_range", 0)
- if id_range and not with_match_id:
- raise ValueError(f"id_range {id_range} != 0, with_match_id should be true")
- if with_match_id:
- if not id_range:
- id_range = 1
- if id_range == 1:
- generated_header["match_id_name"] = DEFAULT_MATCH_ID_PREFIX
- else:
- generated_header["match_id_name"] = [DEFAULT_MATCH_ID_PREFIX + str(i) for i in range(id_range)]
- if with_label:
- generated_header["label_name"] = DEFAULT_LABEL_NAME
- if id_range:
- generated_header["meta"]["id_range"] = id_range
- generated_header["is_display"] = False
- sid = schema.get("sid")
- if sid is None or sid == "":
- generated_header["sid"] = sid.strip()
- return generated_header
- @staticmethod
- def reconstruct_header(schema):
- original_index_info = schema.get("original_index_info")
- if not original_index_info:
- return schema["header"]
- header_index_mapping = dict()
- if "header_index" in original_index_info and original_index_info["header_index"]:
- for idx, col_name in zip(original_index_info["header_index"], schema["header"]):
- header_index_mapping[idx] = col_name
- if original_index_info.get("match_id_index") is not None:
- match_id_name = schema["match_id_name"]
- match_id_index = original_index_info["match_id_index"]
- if isinstance(match_id_name, str):
- header_index_mapping[match_id_index[0]] = match_id_name
- else:
- for idx, col_name in zip(match_id_index, match_id_name):
- header_index_mapping[idx] = col_name
- if original_index_info.get("label_index") is not None:
- header_index_mapping[original_index_info["label_index"]] = schema["label_name"]
- original_header = [None] * len(header_index_mapping)
- for idx, col_name in header_index_mapping.items():
- original_header[idx] = col_name
- return original_header
- @staticmethod
- def extend_header(schema, columns):
- schema = copy.deepcopy(schema)
- original_index_info = schema.get("original_index_info")
- columns = list(map(lambda column: column.strip(), columns))
- header = schema["header"]
- if isinstance(header, list):
- header.extend(columns)
- schema["header"] = header
- if original_index_info and "header_index" in original_index_info:
- header_index = original_index_info["header_index"]
- if header_index:
- pre_max_col_idx = max(header_index)
- else:
- pre_max_col_idx = -1
- if original_index_info.get("label_index") is not None:
- pre_max_col_idx = max(original_index_info["label_index"], pre_max_col_idx)
- if original_index_info.get("match_id_index") is not None:
- pre_max_col_idx = max(max(original_index_info["match_id_index"]), pre_max_col_idx)
- append_header_index = [i + pre_max_col_idx + 1 for i in range(len(columns))]
- schema["original_index_info"]["header_index"] = header_index + append_header_index
- else:
- if len(header) == 0:
- new_header = DELIMITER.join(columns)
- else:
- new_header = DELIMITER.join(header.split(DELIMITER, -1) + columns)
- schema["header"] = new_header
- if schema.get("sid") is not None:
- schema["sid"] = schema["sid"].strip()
- return schema
- @staticmethod
- def clean_header(schema):
- schema = copy.deepcopy(schema)
- header = schema["header"]
- if "label_name" in schema:
- del schema["label_name"]
- if "anonymous_header" in schema:
- del schema["anonymous_header"]
- if "anonymous_label" in schema:
- del schema["anonymous_label"]
- if isinstance(header, list):
- schema["header"] = []
- original_index_info = schema.get("original_index_info")
- if original_index_info:
- del schema["original_index_info"]
- if "match_id_name" in schema:
- del schema["match_id_name"]
- if "match_id_index" in schema:
- del schema["match_id_index"]
- else:
- schema["header"] = ""
- return schema
- @staticmethod
- def recover_schema(schema):
- if not schema.get('meta'):
- raise ValueError("Meta not in schema, can not recover meta")
- recovery_schema = copy.deepcopy(schema)
- meta = schema["meta"]
- input_format = meta.get("input_format", "dense")
- if input_format == "dense":
- """schema has not been processed yet"""
- if "original_index_info" not in schema:
- return recovery_schema
- header_list = DataFormatPreProcess.reconstruct_header(schema)
- del recovery_schema["original_index_info"]
- delimiter = schema.get("delimiter", ",")
- header = "" if not header_list else delimiter.join(header_list)
- recovery_schema["header"] = header
- if "label_name" in recovery_schema:
- del recovery_schema["label_name"]
- if meta.get("with_match_id"):
- del recovery_schema["match_id_name"]
- else:
- recovery_schema["header"] = ""
- if "label_name" in recovery_schema:
- del recovery_schema["label_name"]
- if meta.get("id_range"):
- recovery_schema["meta"]["id_range"] = 0
- if meta.get("with_label"):
- del recovery_schema["meta"]["label_name"]
- del recovery_schema["is_display"]
- if meta.get("with_match_id"):
- del recovery_schema["match_id_name"]
- if "anonymous_header" in schema:
- del recovery_schema["anonymous_header"]
- if "anonymous_label" in schema:
- del recovery_schema["anonymous_label"]
- return recovery_schema