# 返回值接口约定 ## 登录 ****** ***第一个字段:result,第二个字段:token*** ****** result: 'token time out' result: 'detected new device, please login', result: 'wrong account or password', result: 'illegal input', result: 'illegal method, please use post', result: 'login successfully', token:'xxxxxx' ## 登出 ****** ***第一个字段:result*** ****** result: 'logout successfully', ## 注册 ****** ***第一个字段:result*** ****** result: 'reg successfully', result: 'illegal input', result: 'illegal method, please use post', ## 编辑用户资料 ****** ***第一个字段:result*** ****** result: 'You do not have permission to do this', result: 'edit successfully', result: 'illegal input', result: 'illegal method, please use post', # 请求接口约定(均使用POST) ## 登录 ****** 接口链接:'account/login' username(选填) password(选填) token(必填,若客户端无token,则传输字符串'token'表示无token) ****** ## 登出 ****** 接口链接:'account/logout' ****** ## 注册 ****** 接口链接:'account/register' username(必填) password(必填) password2(必填) ****** ## 编辑资料 ****** 接口链接:'account/profile/(username)' bio(选填) avatar(选填) phone(选填) ******