{% extends "base.html" %} {% load static %} {% block title %} 首页 {% endblock title %} {% block style %} {% endblock style %} {% block content %}

Design And Record

All things are difficult before they are easy., No success in life merely happens., 99 little bugs in the code., One must first understand recursion in order to understand recursion., Everything will be okay in the end. If it's not okay, it's not the end., Everybody wants happiness. No one wants pain. But how can you make a rainbow without a little rain?, No matter when you start, it is important that you do not stop after starting. No matter when you end, it is more important that you do not regret after ended., If you want something you've never had, then you've got to do something you've never Done., Dear music, thank you for being there when nobody else was.

{% for article in articles %}
{% if article.avatar %}
{% endif %}
{% if article.column %} {% endif %} {% for tag in article.tags.all %} {{ tag }} {% endfor %}

{{ article.title }}

{{ article.summary|slice:'50' }}...

{{ article.total_views }} viewd    Posted at {{ article.created|date:'Y-m-d' }}    Update at {{ article.updated|date:'Y-m-d' }}

{% endfor %}
{% endblock content %} {% block script %} {% endblock script %}