Historique des commits

Auteur SHA1 Message Date
  Shellmiao b815ec74a0 毕业设计第二版 il y a 1 an
  Makiras 5088cca67c 更新README文件,欢迎进入讨论区讨论。 il y a 1 an
  兰陈昕 1d7389a2bc 修正格式 (#12) il y a 2 ans
  Makiras e7a847445a Add guide for overleaf service il y a 3 ans
  Name1e5s 56694f182f Update README.md (#4) il y a 3 ans
  Makiras 367ff33728 Merge pull request #5 from Makiras/master il y a 3 ans
  Makiras 35b09d4557 [readme] update readme format, remove expired info, add more optional tools. il y a 3 ans
  Name1e5s b4d1515e2f 修改标题边距 (#3) il y a 3 ans
  Name1e5s 8eb418d3cb 删除目录中参考文献后的项目的页码 (#2) il y a 3 ans
  Makiras e9a71fce3f Merge pull request #1 from sqyx008/master il y a 5 ans
  VictorSheng edad48eb9b fix content pagenumber size bug; adjust the style of chapter title;adjust the guide dots in contents il y a 5 ans
  sqyx008 1b3e31f968 Merge pull request #36 from clarenous/master il y a 5 ans
  clarenous e78c3ed2de add compile guidebook il y a 5 ans
  sqyx008 c5d36c8ffe Update README.md il y a 6 ans
  VictorSheng 145e1897a7 adjust vertical dist of algorithms; change the order of translation; update some examples; fix bug on fancyhdr il y a 6 ans
  VictorSheng 1ba066420d adjust itemsep of bib & adjust translation title style & adjust contents page number size il y a 6 ans
  VictorSheng 525a749d0c adjust tranlation title style il y a 6 ans
  VictorSheng 0522d80e50 fix a picture ref mistake in main.tex il y a 6 ans
  sqyx008 3364e551bf Merge pull request #25 from CptGit/master il y a 6 ans
  CptGit e249932603 Added support for more pro tables and inline list strcuture and fixed little typoes. il y a 6 ans
  ZANG, Zhi-qiang 81471912e7 Merge pull request #1 from sqyx008/master il y a 6 ans
  sqyx008 f42dd01e52 fix a little typo in README il y a 6 ans
  VictorSheng 22dd51d84e adjust number style of code, set number of code in appendix & add better examples il y a 6 ans
  sqyx008 e5135fa5b5 Merge pull request #22 from CptGit/master il y a 6 ans
  CptGit 4f0a231ab7 Fixed many bugs to make openright option work better. il y a 6 ans
  VictorSheng f20d71f960 update format of numbering in translation part il y a 6 ans
  VictorSheng a7f8e7b73c translation pagestyle was fixed il y a 6 ans
  VictorSheng df752f1e87 add openright setting in main.tex il y a 6 ans
  VictorSheng c80d660cf5 update @inproceedings format in ref & add examples il y a 6 ans
  VictorSheng 1f652a3dd3 add numbering example in translation part il y a 6 ans