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- % Copyright (c) 2010 - 2011 Caspar Zhang <casparant@gmail.com> %
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- % 中文摘要
- \def\abstractcn{
- %从这里开始写你的摘要,分段需要空一行。
- 在人类发展过程中,绝大多数媒介都是2D媒介,比如壁画、竹简、书本、油画、影片、相片、电脑绘图等等把壮丽的风景、美丽的模型浓缩到一个平面上。但是VR本质上就是3D媒介,它是有空间感的,你可以在VR中看到整个空间,把感受到的环境、物体,在虚拟世界中忠实完整地呈现出来。这会让所有的创意、设计产业有非常大的改变。
- 基于虚拟现实技术在现实世界中的发展,传统意义上的第一部虚拟现实电影在80年代初开始出现,而计算机技术的进步使得人们开始研究更经济更能被普通民众所能接触到的的VR技术。 90年代,全球范围内大量涌现的虚拟现实电影对于出现在商场中的科技产生了影响。自从2012年的Oculus Kickstarter以来,虚拟现实技术在大屏幕上出现了复苏,它逐渐地成为了一个更亲近普通群众和可被大家接收的消费者设备。
- 区别于以往的视频类型,对观众来说,以往的2D、3D电影我们都是在“观看”屏幕当中的人物表演,观众会受到画框的限制而VR则是邀请你进入一种360°沉浸式的体验状态。因此也意味着视频观看不再受到以往导演想让观众看哪儿,观众就只能看哪儿的局限。简单来说,VR就是戴上这些可穿戴眼镜或者头盔后,你就是主角,进入到设计师们给你设定好的这些场景,在这里你可以尽情体验真实的过山车、跳伞运动等现实视觉体验。
- 因此本文致力于研究全景视频微电影在虚拟现实头戴式显示器中的体验方式,在Unity游戏引擎中应用了球面投影着色器并通过“时光机”脚本使得全景视频能够在游戏引擎中进行播放控制。同时,基于Valve公司的SteamVR插件,提出了能够应用在微电影中的交互方式,例如凝视交互、手柄交互等。
- %摘要结束
- }
- % 中文关键字
- % TODO: 改成可变长度的
- \def\abscnkeyone{全景拍摄}
- \def\abscnkeytwo{投影模型}
- \def\abscnkeythree{游戏引擎框架}
- \def\abscnkeyfour{VR交互}
- \def\abscnkeyfive{}
- \def\abstracten{
- %Your abstract here, to make a new paragraph, give an extra blank line please.
- Traditionally based off of technological developments happening in the real world, some of the first movies with VR technology started coming out in the early 80’s when advancements in computer technology allowed research to begin on more affordable VR. With the 90’s came a large influx of VR movies on the coattails of the tech appearing in arcades across the globe. Since the Oculus Kickstarter in 2012, VR has seen a revival on the big screen as it becomes a more affordable and accessible consumer device.
- In the process of human development, the vast majority of media are 2D media, such as murals, bamboo slips, books, paintings, films, photos, computer graphics, etc. make the magnificent scenery and models condensed to a plane. But VR is essentially a 3D media, it is a sense of space,so you can see the whole space in the VR, the feelings of the environment, objects, in the virtual world faithfully and completely presented.
- Different from the previous video type, for the audience, the previous 2D, 3D movies we are in the "watch" screen where the characters perform. Therefore the audience will be limited by the frame while VR invites you into a 360 ° immersion type of experience. So it also means that the video is no longer subject to the limitations made by directors who want to let the audience see where the audience can only see. In short, VR is when wearing these wearable glasses or helmets, you are the protagonist, stepping into the designers who have already set these scenes, where you can enjoy the real roller coaster, skydiving and other realistic visual experience.
- Therefore, this paper is devoted to the study of panoramic micro-film in the virtual reality headset in the experience of the way, applying the equirectangular projection shader and the "time machine" script that makes the panoramic video can be played in the game engine playback controller. At the same time, based on Valve's SteamVR plug-in , this paper proposes the interactive ways which can be applied in micro-films, such as staring interaction, handle interaction.
- %Abstract done
- }
- % Key Words
- % TODO: 改成可变长度的
- \def\absenkeyone{Panorama}
- \def\absenkeytwo{Projection Models}
- \def\absenkeythree{Game Engine Framework}
- \def\absenkeyfour{VR Interaction}
- \def\absenkeyfive{}