buptbachelor.bst 54 KB

  1. %% BUPTThesis.bst
  2. %%
  3. %% 北京邮电大学研究生学位论文参考文献 BibTeX 样式
  4. %%
  5. %% 项目主页:http://code.google.com/p/buptthesis/
  6. %%
  7. %% 本样式基于 IEEEtran 和 ThuThesis 修改而成,基本满足北京邮电大学研究生论文格式要求
  8. %%
  9. %% 作者:
  10. %% 张煜 (email:dazzlezhang@gmail.com)
  11. %%
  12. %% 更新记录:
  13. %% $LastChangedBy$
  14. %% $LastChangedDate$
  15. %% $LastChangedRevision$
  16. %% 一些设置的缺省值
  17. % 英文姓名排版格式字符串, 按<last name全称>~<first name首字母><, Jr.>格式
  18. FUNCTION {default.name.format.string} {"{vv~}{ll}{~f}{, Jj}"}
  19. % 列出的最多作者数目, 即当作者数目超过下列数字时, 超出部分的作者姓名将略去
  20. FUNCTION {default.max.num.names.before.forced.et.al} { #3 }
  21. % 是否为盲审版本, #0 表示盲审将隐去作者信息, #1 表示非盲审
  22. FUNCTION {default.is.for.peer.review} { #0 }
  23. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%
  24. % 一些辅助函数
  25. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%
  26. % #0 不在终端显示开始/完成的提示信息
  27. % #1 显示提示信息
  28. FUNCTION {is.print.banners.to.terminal} {#1}
  29. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
  30. % 版本与提示信息
  31. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
  32. % 版本信息
  33. FUNCTION{bst.file.version} { "0.2" }
  34. FUNCTION{bst.file.date} { "2009/01/25" }
  35. FUNCTION{bst.file.website} {
  36. "http://code.google.com/p/buptthesis/" }
  37. % 开始提示信息
  38. FUNCTION {banner.message}{
  39. is.print.banners.to.terminal
  40. { "-- BUPTThesis.bst version" " " * bst.file.version *
  41. " (" * bst.file.date * ") " * "by Yu Zhang." *
  42. top$
  43. "-- " bst.file.website *
  44. top$
  45. "-- See the " quote$ * "userguide.pdf" * quote$ *
  46. " manual for usage information." *
  47. top$
  48. }
  49. { skip$ }
  50. if$
  51. }
  52. % 完成提示信息
  53. FUNCTION {completed.message} {
  54. is.print.banners.to.terminal
  55. { "" top$ "Done." top$ }
  56. { skip$ }
  57. if$
  58. }
  59. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
  60. %% 预定义的字符串宏
  61. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
  62. % 英文月份
  63. MACRO {jan} {"January"}
  64. MACRO {feb} {"February"}
  65. MACRO {mar} {"March"}
  66. MACRO {apr} {"April"}
  67. MACRO {may} {"May"}
  68. MACRO {jun} {"June"}
  69. MACRO {jul} {"July"}
  70. MACRO {aug} {"August"}
  71. MACRO {sep} {"September"}
  72. MACRO {oct} {"October"}
  73. MACRO {nov} {"November"}
  74. MACRO {dec} {"December"}
  75. %%%%%%%%%%%%
  76. %% 条目定义
  77. %%%%%%%%%%%%
  78. ENTRY { address % 地址
  79. assignee % 标准授权人
  80. author % 作者
  81. booktitle % 专著/论文集名
  82. chapter %
  83. day %
  84. dayfiled %
  85. edition % 版本
  86. editor % 编者
  87. howpublished % 出版形式
  88. esubtype % 电子文献子类
  89. institution %
  90. journal % 期刊
  91. key %
  92. language % 语言
  93. month % 月
  94. monthfiled %
  95. nationality %
  96. newsletter %
  97. note %
  98. number %
  99. number2 %
  100. organization %
  101. pages %
  102. publisher %
  103. refdate %
  104. update % 电子文档更新或修改日期
  105. school %
  106. series %
  107. title %
  108. translator %
  109. type %
  110. volume %
  111. volume2 %
  112. year %
  113. year2 %
  114. yearfiled %
  115. url % URL
  116. pubaddress % 出版地
  117. CTLname_format_string % 作者英文姓名排版格式
  118. CTLmax_names_forced_etal % 强制略去的最大作者数
  119. CTLauthor_name_english % 作者英文姓名
  120. CTLauthor_name_chinese % 作者中文姓名
  121. CTLfor_peer_review % 是否匿名
  122. }
  123. {}
  124. { label }
  125. %%%%%%%%%%%%%
  126. %% 字符串常量
  127. %%%%%%%%%%%%%
  128. % FUNCTION {bbl.anonymous} { language empty$ { "Anon" } { "佚名" } if$ }
  129. FUNCTION {bbl.anonymous} { "" }
  130. FUNCTION {bbl.etal} { language empty$ { "~et~al" } { "~等" } if$ }
  131. FUNCTION {bbl.sine.loco} { language empty$ { "S.~l." } { "出版地不详" } if$ }
  132. FUNCTION {bbl.sine.nomine} { language empty$ { "s.~n." } { "出版者不详" } if$ }
  133. FUNCTION {bbl.comma} { language empty$ { ", " } { "," } if$ }
  134. FUNCTION {bbl.colon} { language empty$ { ": " } { ":" } if$ }
  135. FUNCTION {bbl.period} { language empty$ { "." } { "." } if$ }
  136. FUNCTION {bbl.parallel} { "~//~" }
  137. FUNCTION {bbl.st} { "st" } % 序数词后缀
  138. FUNCTION {bbl.nd} { "nd" } % 序数词后缀
  139. FUNCTION {bbl.rd} { "rd" } % 序数词后缀
  140. FUNCTION {bbl.th} { "th" } % 序数词后缀
  141. FUNCTION {bbl.number} { "第" }
  142. FUNCTION {bbl.author} { "作者" }
  143. %%%%%%%%%%%%
  144. %% 整型变量
  145. %%%%%%%%%%%
  146. INTEGERS { output.state before.all mid.sentence after.title after.sentence url.sentence after.block before.pages }
  147. INTEGERS { number.label longest.label.width multiresult
  148. nameptr namesleft numnames lastnamecapitalized namelength charptr }
  149. INTEGERS { max.num.names.before.forced.et.al }
  150. INTEGERS { is.for.peer.review }
  151. %%%%%%%%%%%%%
  152. %% 字符串变量
  153. %%%%%%%%%%%%%
  154. STRINGS { s
  155. t
  156. longest.label
  157. thename
  158. name.emph.author.en % 强调现实的作者英文姓名
  159. name.emph.author.zh % 强调显示的作者中文姓名
  160. name.format.string % 姓名的格式字符串
  161. author.name.in.english % 作者英文姓名
  162. author.name.in.chinese % 作者中文姓名
  163. }
  164. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
  165. %% LaTeX 参考文献代码
  166. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
  167. % 输出 .bbl 文件开始
  168. FUNCTION {begin.bib} {
  169. "% Generated by BUPTThesis.bst, version: " bst.file.version *
  170. " (" * bst.file.date * ")" *
  171. write$ newline$ % 输出注释行,说明产生该bbl的bst及版本
  172. preamble$ empty$ % 输出前导
  173. 'skip$
  174. { preamble$ write$ newline$ }
  175. if$
  176. "\begin{thebibliography}{" longest.label * "}" *
  177. write$ newline$ % 输出 \begin{thebiliography}{x}
  178. }
  179. % 输出 .bbl 文件结束部分
  180. FUNCTION {end.bib} {
  181. newline$
  182. "\end{thebibliography}"
  183. write$ newline$
  184. }
  185. %%%%%%%%%%%%
  186. %% 底层函数
  187. %%%%%%%%%%%%
  188. % 控制变量初始化
  189. FUNCTION {initialize.controls} {
  190. default.name.format.string 'name.format.string :=
  191. default.max.num.names.before.forced.et.al 'max.num.names.before.forced.et.al :=
  192. default.is.for.peer.review 'is.for.peer.review :=
  193. }
  194. % 初始化最长 label
  195. FUNCTION {initialize.longest.label} {
  196. "" 'longest.label :=
  197. #1 'number.label :=
  198. #0 'longest.label.width :=
  199. }
  200. % 最长 label pass
  201. FUNCTION {longest.label.pass}
  202. { number.label int.to.str$ 'label :=
  203. number.label #1 + 'number.label :=
  204. label width$ longest.label.width >
  205. { label 'longest.label :=
  206. label width$ 'longest.label.width :=
  207. }
  208. { skip$ }
  209. if$
  210. }
  211. % 逻辑非: 栈顶元素的逻辑非
  212. FUNCTION {not} {
  213. { #0 }
  214. { #1 }
  215. if$
  216. }
  217. % 逻辑与
  218. FUNCTION {and} {
  219. { skip$ }
  220. { pop$ #0 }
  221. if$
  222. }
  223. % 逻辑或
  224. FUNCTION {or} {
  225. { pop$ #1 }
  226. { skip$ }
  227. if$
  228. }
  229. % 返回 #1 : 栈顶字符是数字"0"~"9"
  230. % 返回 #0 : 其他
  231. FUNCTION {is.num} {
  232. chr.to.int$
  233. duplicate$ "0" chr.to.int$ < not
  234. swap$ "9" chr.to.int$ > not and
  235. }
  236. % 栈顶整数乘以10
  237. FUNCTION {bump.int.mag} {
  238. #0 'multiresult := % 初始化乘运算结果 y <- 0
  239. { duplicate$ #0 > } % 栈顶整数 x = 0 时才停止循环
  240. { #1 - % x <- x - 1
  241. multiresult #10 +
  242. 'multiresult := % y <- y + 10
  243. }
  244. while$
  245. pop$ % 释放 x
  246. multiresult % y 压栈返回
  247. }
  248. % 将栈顶字符("0"~"9")转换为整数(0~9)
  249. FUNCTION {char.to.integer} {
  250. duplicate$
  251. is.num
  252. { chr.to.int$ "0" chr.to.int$ - }
  253. { "noninteger character " quote$ * swap$ * quote$ *
  254. " in integer field of " * cite$ * warning$
  255. #0 % 如果栈定字符不是("0"~"9"), 给出警告返回 0
  256. }
  257. if$
  258. }
  259. % 将栈顶字符串转换为整数
  260. FUNCTION {string.to.integer} {
  261. duplicate$ text.length$ 'namesleft := % namesleft <- 字符串长度
  262. #1 'nameptr := % nameptr <- 1
  263. #0 'numnames := % numnames <- 0
  264. { nameptr namesleft > not } % while( ! ( nameptr > namesleft ) )
  265. { duplicate$ nameptr #1 substring$ % 取第 nameptr 个字符 x
  266. char.to.integer numnames bump.int.mag +
  267. 'numnames := % numnames <- chr2int( x ) + 10 * numnames
  268. nameptr #1 +
  269. 'nameptr := % nameptr <- nameptr + 1
  270. }
  271. while$
  272. pop$ % 释放栈顶元素
  273. numnames % numnames 压栈返回
  274. }
  275. % convert the strings "yes" or "no" to #1 or #0 respectively
  276. FUNCTION {yes.no.to.int}
  277. { "l" change.case$ duplicate$
  278. "yes" =
  279. { pop$ #1 }
  280. { duplicate$ "no" =
  281. { pop$ #0 }
  282. { "unknown boolean " quote$ * swap$ * quote$ *
  283. " in " * cite$ * warning$
  284. #0
  285. }
  286. if$
  287. }
  288. if$
  289. }
  290. % 初始化状态常量
  291. FUNCTION {initialize.status.constants}
  292. { #0 'before.all := % 起始
  293. #1 'mid.sentence := % 句中
  294. #2 'after.sentence := % 句末
  295. #3 'after.block := % 块后
  296. #4 'after.title := %
  297. #5 'before.pages := %
  298. }
  299. FUNCTION {remove.char}
  300. { 't :=
  301. 's :=
  302. ""
  303. { s empty$ not }
  304. { s #1 #1 substring$
  305. s #2 global.max$ substring$ 's :=
  306. duplicate$ t = 'pop$
  307. { * }
  308. if$
  309. }
  310. while$
  311. }
  312. STRINGS {z}
  313. FUNCTION {remove.period}
  314. { 'z :=
  315. ""
  316. { z empty$ not }
  317. { z #1 #1 substring$
  318. z #2 global.max$ substring$ 'z :=
  319. duplicate$ "." = 'pop$
  320. { * }
  321. if$
  322. }
  323. while$
  324. }
  325. FUNCTION {remove.dots} {
  326. duplicate$ "input=" swap$ * warning$
  327. "language=" language * warning$
  328. language empty$
  329. { "." remove.char
  330. duplicate$ "output('.')=" swap$ * warning$ }
  331. { "." remove.char
  332. duplicate$ "output('.')=" swap$ * warning$
  333. "." remove.char
  334. duplicate$ "output('.')=" swap$ * warning$ }
  335. if$
  336. }
  337. FUNCTION {bibinfo.check}
  338. { swap$
  339. duplicate$ missing$
  340. {
  341. pop$ pop$
  342. ""
  343. }
  344. { duplicate$ empty$
  345. {
  346. swap$ pop$
  347. }
  348. { swap$
  349. pop$
  350. }
  351. if$
  352. }
  353. if$
  354. }
  355. %%%%%%%%%%%%
  356. %% 调试例程
  357. %%%%%%%%%%%%
  358. % 默认调试输出函数
  359. FUNCTION {debug.output} {
  360. "[DEBUG] " swap$ * top$
  361. }
  362. % 状态调试输出函数
  363. FUNCTION {debug.output.status} {
  364. "---- output.state="
  365. output.state before.all =
  366. { "before.all" }
  367. { output.state mid.sentence =
  368. { "mid.sentence" }
  369. { output.state after.sentence =
  370. { "after.sentence" }
  371. { output.state url.sentence =
  372. { "url.sentence" }
  373. { output.state before.pages =
  374. { "before.pages" }
  375. { "after.block" }
  376. if$
  377. }
  378. if$
  379. }
  380. if$
  381. }
  382. if$
  383. }
  384. if$
  385. * debug.output
  386. }
  387. FUNCTION {output.year}
  388. { 't :=
  389. number empty$
  390. volume empty$
  391. and
  392. { add.period$ write$ }
  393. { ", " * write$ }
  394. if$
  395. t
  396. }
  397. % STRINGS {z}
  398. % FUNCTION {remove.dots}
  399. % { 'z :=
  400. % ""
  401. % { z empty$ not }
  402. % { z #1 #1 substring$
  403. % z #2 global.max$ substring$ 'z :=
  404. % duplicate$ bbl.period = 'pop$
  405. % { * }
  406. % if$
  407. % }
  408. % while$
  409. % %z
  410. % }
  411. % 对于中文文献, 用全角句点替换英文句点
  412. FUNCTION {replace.half.width.period} {
  413. % % DEBUG
  414. % duplicate$ "-- replace.half.width.period(" swap$ * ")" * debug.output
  415. % % END OF DEBUG
  416. language empty$
  417. { " " * } % 对于英文文献, 在句点后加一空格
  418. { duplicate$ text.length$ 'numnames := % numnames 等于字符串长度
  419. % % DEBUG
  420. % numnames int.to.str$ "---- text.length$=" swap$ * debug.output
  421. % % END OF DEBUG
  422. duplicate$ numnames #1 substring$ "." =
  423. { % % DEBUG
  424. % "---- Found '.' at the end" debug.output
  425. % % END OF DEBUG
  426. numnames #1 -
  427. #1 swap$ substring$
  428. bbl.period *
  429. }
  430. { skip$ }
  431. if$
  432. }
  433. if$
  434. % % DEBUG
  435. % duplicate$ "---- Return=" swap$ * debug.output
  436. % % END OF DEBUG
  437. }
  438. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
  439. %% 输出例程: 输出栈顶项并根据需要添加标点符号
  440. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
  441. % 非空项输出函数: 用于输出非空项
  442. FUNCTION {output.nonnull} {
  443. % % DEBUG
  444. % duplicate$ "output.nonnull(" swap$ * ")" * debug.output
  445. % debug.output.status
  446. % % END OF DEBUG
  447. swap$
  448. % 根据当前输出状态添加前置标点符号
  449. % before.all 起始, 不添加任何标点符号直接输出
  450. % mid.sentence 句中, 前置逗号输出
  451. % after.sentence 句末, 前置句号输出
  452. % after.block 块后, 前置句号, 后置 \newblock 输出
  453. % after.title
  454. output.state mid.sentence =
  455. { bbl.comma * write$ } % mid.sentence 前置逗号
  456. { output.state after.block =
  457. { add.period$ % 块后, 后置句号
  458. replace.half.width.period % 为中文文献替换句点
  459. write$
  460. newline$
  461. % "\newblock " write$
  462. } % 后置 \newblock 输出
  463. { output.state before.all =
  464. { write$ } % 起始, 不添加任何标点符号直接输出
  465. { output.state after.title =
  466. { bbl.parallel *
  467. write$ }
  468. { output.state before.pages =
  469. { bbl.colon *
  470. write$ }
  471. { add.period$ % 句末, 前置句号输出
  472. replace.half.width.period
  473. write$ } %
  474. if$
  475. }
  476. if$
  477. }
  478. if$
  479. }
  480. if$
  481. mid.sentence 'output.state :=
  482. }
  483. if$
  484. % s
  485. }
  486. % 无警告输出函数
  487. FUNCTION {output} {
  488. duplicate$ empty$
  489. { pop$ } % 若输出项为空, 则舍去空输出项
  490. { output.nonnull } % 否则调用非空输出函数
  491. if$
  492. }
  493. % 警告输出函数: 同 output, 但是对于空项给出警告提示
  494. FUNCTION {output.warn}
  495. { 't :=
  496. duplicate$ empty$
  497. { pop$ "empty " t * " in " * cite$ * warning$ }
  498. { output.nonnull }
  499. if$
  500. }
  501. % 将数字字符串转换成序数词形式字符串(例如: "7" -> "7th")
  502. FUNCTION {num.to.ordinal} {
  503. duplicate$ #-1 #1 substring$ "1" =
  504. { bbl.st * }
  505. { duplicate$ #-1 #1 substring$ "2" =
  506. { bbl.nd * }
  507. { duplicate$ #-1 #1 substring$ "3" =
  508. { bbl.rd * }
  509. { bbl.th * }
  510. if$
  511. }
  512. if$
  513. }
  514. if$
  515. }
  516. % 从字符串中提取前导数字的函数
  517. % 如果栈顶字符串以数字开头(例如: "11th"), 则将字符串用其数字部分(即,"11")
  518. % 替换. 否则, 保持原字符串不变. 用于版本转换函数(convert.edition)
  519. % s 保存提取出的数字, t 保存剩余待扫描的字符串.
  520. FUNCTION {extract.num} {
  521. duplicate$ 't := % t <- 输入字符串
  522. "" 's := % s <- ""
  523. { t empty$ not } % while( t != "" ) {
  524. { t #1 #1 substring$ % tmp <- t[0]
  525. t #2 global.max$ substring$
  526. 't := % t <- t[2:global.max$]
  527. duplicate$ is.num % if( is.num( tmp ) )
  528. { s swap$ * 's := } % s <- s & tmp
  529. { pop$ "" 't := } % else t <- ""
  530. if$ % }
  531. } %
  532. while$ % if( s == "" )
  533. s empty$ % ;
  534. 'skip$ % else
  535. { pop$ s } % return s
  536. if$ %
  537. }
  538. % 将1st~10th单词形式的序数词转换成阿拉伯数字形式
  539. FUNCTION {word.to.num} {
  540. duplicate$ "l" change.case$
  541. 's := % s <- lower( arg )
  542. s "first" = % if ( s == "first" )
  543. { pop$ "1" } % return "1"
  544. { skip$ }
  545. if$
  546. s "second" = % if ( s == "second" )
  547. { pop$ "2" } % return "2"
  548. { skip$ }
  549. if$
  550. s "third" =
  551. { pop$ "3" }
  552. { skip$ }
  553. if$
  554. s "fourth" =
  555. { pop$ "4" }
  556. { skip$ }
  557. if$
  558. s "fifth" =
  559. { pop$ "5" }
  560. { skip$ }
  561. if$
  562. s "sixth" =
  563. { pop$ "6" }
  564. { skip$ }
  565. if$
  566. s "seventh" =
  567. { pop$ "7" }
  568. { skip$ }
  569. if$
  570. s "eighth" =
  571. { pop$ "8" }
  572. { skip$ }
  573. if$
  574. s "ninth" =
  575. { pop$ "9" }
  576. { skip$ }
  577. if$
  578. s "tenth" =
  579. { pop$ "10" }
  580. { skip$ }
  581. if$
  582. }
  583. % 转换字符串形式的序数词为数字形式的序数词
  584. % 例如: 将 "Eleventh" 转换为 "11th"
  585. FUNCTION {convert.edition} {
  586. duplicate$ empty$ 'skip$
  587. { duplicate$ #1 #1 substring$
  588. is.num % if( is.num( arg[1] ) ) {
  589. { extract.num % tmp <- extract.num( arg )
  590. num.to.ordinal % tmp <- num.to.ordinal( tmp )
  591. } % } else {
  592. { word.to.num % tmp <- word.to.num( arg )
  593. duplicate$ #1 #1 substring$
  594. is.num % if( is.num( tmp[1] ) )
  595. { num.to.ordinal } % tmp <- num.to.ordinal( tmp )
  596. { "edition ordinal word "
  597. quote$ * edition * quote$ *
  598. " may be too high (or improper) for conversion" *
  599. " in " * cite$ * warning$ % else output warning
  600. }
  601. if$
  602. }
  603. if$
  604. }
  605. if$
  606. }
  607. FUNCTION {start.entry}
  608. { newline$
  609. "\bibitem{" write$
  610. cite$ write$
  611. "}" write$
  612. newline$
  613. ""
  614. before.all 'output.state :=
  615. }
  616. FUNCTION {fin.entry}
  617. { add.period$
  618. replace.half.width.period
  619. write$
  620. newline$
  621. }
  622. % FUNCTION {fin.entry}
  623. % { duplicate$ empty$
  624. % 'pop$
  625. % 'write$
  626. % if$
  627. % newline$
  628. % }
  629. FUNCTION {new.block}
  630. { output.state before.all =
  631. 'skip$
  632. { after.block 'output.state := }
  633. if$
  634. }
  635. FUNCTION {new.sentence}
  636. { output.state after.block =
  637. 'skip$
  638. { output.state before.all =
  639. 'skip$
  640. { after.sentence 'output.state := }
  641. if$
  642. }
  643. if$
  644. }
  645. FUNCTION {new.block.checka}
  646. { empty$
  647. 'skip$
  648. 'new.block
  649. if$
  650. }
  651. FUNCTION {new.block.checkb}
  652. { empty$
  653. swap$ empty$
  654. and
  655. 'skip$
  656. 'new.block
  657. if$
  658. }
  659. FUNCTION {new.sentence.checka}
  660. { empty$
  661. 'skip$
  662. 'new.sentence
  663. if$
  664. }
  665. FUNCTION {new.sentence.checkb}
  666. { empty$
  667. swap$ empty$
  668. and
  669. 'skip$
  670. 'new.sentence
  671. if$
  672. }
  673. FUNCTION {field.or.null}
  674. { duplicate$ empty$
  675. { pop$ "" }
  676. 'skip$
  677. if$
  678. }
  679. FUNCTION {emphasize}
  680. { duplicate$ empty$
  681. { pop$ "" }
  682. { "{\em " swap$ * "}" * }
  683. if$
  684. }
  685. FUNCTION {format.language}
  686. { language empty$
  687. 'skip$
  688. 'skip$
  689. if$
  690. }
  691. FUNCTION {is.space}
  692. { chr.to.int$
  693. duplicate$ #32 =
  694. { pop$ #1 }
  695. { pop$ #0 }
  696. if$
  697. }
  698. FUNCTION {is.lower.char}
  699. {
  700. chr.to.int$
  701. duplicate$ #96 >
  702. { #123 <
  703. { #1 }
  704. { #0 }
  705. if$
  706. }
  707. { pop$ #0 }
  708. if$
  709. }
  710. % 将last name转换为全大写
  711. FUNCTION {capitalize.last.name} {
  712. "u" change.case$
  713. }
  714. % FUNCTION {capitalize.last.name}
  715. % {
  716. % 'thename := % 输入参数 thename
  717. % thename text.length$
  718. % 'namelength := % namelength := thename 的长度
  719. % #1 'charptr :=
  720. % #0 'lastnamecapitalized :=
  721. % ""
  722. % { charptr #1 - namelength <
  723. % % % debug
  724. % % duplicate$ int.to.str$ "( charptr + #1 > namelength ) == " swap$ * warning$
  725. % % % eod
  726. % }
  727. % {
  728. % % % debug
  729. % % "charptr = " charptr int.to.str$ *
  730. % % ", lastnamecapitalized = " *
  731. % % lastnamecapitalized int.to.str$ * warning$
  732. % % % eod
  733. % lastnamecapitalized #1 =
  734. % { thename charptr namelength charptr - #1 + substring$ *
  735. % namelength #1 + 'charptr :=
  736. % % % debug
  737. % % duplicate$ "top of the stack = " swap$ * warning$
  738. % % % eod
  739. % }
  740. % { thename charptr #1 substring$
  741. % % % debug
  742. % % duplicate$ "the char = " swap$ * warning$
  743. % % % eod
  744. % duplicate$ is.lower.char
  745. % % % debug
  746. % % duplicate$ int.to.str$ "is.lower.char = " swap$ * warning$
  747. % % % eod
  748. % { "u" change.case$ * }
  749. % { duplicate$ is.space
  750. % % % debug
  751. % % duplicate$ int.to.str$ "is.space = " swap$ * warning$
  752. % % % eod
  753. % { #1 'lastnamecapitalized :=
  754. % *
  755. % }
  756. % { *
  757. % }
  758. % if$
  759. % }
  760. % if$
  761. % % % debug
  762. % % duplicate$ "top of the stack = " swap$ * warning$
  763. % % % eod
  764. % charptr #1 + 'charptr :=
  765. % }
  766. % if$
  767. % }
  768. % while$
  769. % }
  770. % 格式化盲审姓名
  771. FUNCTION {format.names.for.peer.review} {
  772. 's := % s := author域
  773. #1 'nameptr := % nameptr 是姓名指针,初始化为 1
  774. s num.names$ 'numnames := % 利用 num.names$ 获得 s 中的作者数量存入 nameptr
  775. numnames 'namesleft := % 未处理的姓名数 namesleft := numnames
  776. % 循环处理所有姓名
  777. { namesleft #0 > } % if namesleft > #0 (还有姓名没有格式化)
  778. { s nameptr % 选择第 nameptr 个姓名
  779. name.format.string % 按 name.format.string 的格式排版
  780. format.name$ % 调用 format.name$
  781. remove.period % 并删除缩写符号'.'
  782. 't := % 格式化后的姓名暂存于 t
  783. language empty$
  784. { author.name.in.english }% 如果是英文文献将 author.name.in.english 压栈
  785. { author.name.in.chinese } % 否则将 author.name.in.chinese 压栈
  786. if$
  787. t = % 用当前的姓名与栈上的姓名做比较
  788. { nameptr int.to.str$ % 将作者序号转化为字符串
  789. "\CJKnumber{" swap$ * "}" * % 使用中文数字
  790. bbl.number swap$ * bbl.author * % 加上``第''和``作者''
  791. % duplicate$ debug.output
  792. }
  793. { skip$ }
  794. if$
  795. nameptr #1 + 'nameptr := % 姓名指针加 1
  796. namesleft #1 - 'namesleft := % 剩余姓名数减 1
  797. }
  798. while$
  799. }
  800. % 格式化非盲审姓名
  801. FUNCTION {format.names.for.non.peer.review} {
  802. % 初始化
  803. 's := % s := author域
  804. #1 'nameptr := % nameptr 是姓名指针,初始化为 1
  805. s num.names$ 'numnames := % 利用 num.names$ 获得 s 中的作者数量存入 nameptr
  806. numnames 'namesleft := % 未处理的姓名数 namesleft := numnames
  807. % 循环处理所有姓名
  808. { namesleft #0 > } % if namesleft > #0 (还有姓名没有格式化)
  809. { s nameptr % 选择第 nameptr 个姓名
  810. name.format.string % 按 name.format.string 的格式排版
  811. format.name$ % 调用 format.name$
  812. % language empty$
  813. % { "u" change.case$ } % 如果不是语言为空, 做大写转换
  814. % { skip$ }
  815. % if$ % <language 判断结束>
  816. remove.period % 并删除缩写符号'.'
  817. 't := % 格式化后的姓名暂存于 t
  818. nameptr #1 >
  819. { nameptr max.num.names.before.forced.et.al #1 + =
  820. { "others" 't := % 如果当前作者的序数已经超出了最大列显作者数
  821. #1 'namesleft := } % 则置未处理姓名数为#1, 以便跳出循环
  822. { bbl.comma * } % 如果作者序数在允许范围内, 则添加逗号
  823. if$ % <et al 判断结束>
  824. namesleft #1 > % 若当前姓名不是最后一个
  825. { t * } % 显示当前姓名
  826. { t "others" = % 若当前姓名是最后一个且后面有略去的姓名
  827. { bbl.etal * } % 添加", et~al"或",等"
  828. { t * } % 如果没有略去姓名,以句点结束
  829. if$ % <others 判断结束>
  830. }
  831. if$ % <namesleft 判断结束>
  832. }
  833. { t } % 如果是第一个作者, 直接将排版后的姓名压栈
  834. if$
  835. nameptr #1 + 'nameptr := % 姓名指针加 1
  836. namesleft #1 - 'namesleft := % 剩余姓名数减 1
  837. }
  838. while$
  839. }
  840. % 格式化姓名
  841. FUNCTION {format.names} {
  842. is.for.peer.review
  843. { format.names.for.peer.review } % 格式化盲审姓名
  844. { format.names.for.non.peer.review } % 格式化非盲审姓名
  845. if$
  846. }
  847. FUNCTION {format.authors}
  848. { author empty$
  849. { bbl.anonymous
  850. "The author in " cite$ * " is missing." * warning$ }
  851. { author format.names }
  852. if$
  853. }
  854. FUNCTION {format.editors}
  855. { editor empty$
  856. { bbl.anonymous
  857. "The editor in " cite$ * " is missing." * warning$
  858. }
  859. { editor format.names }
  860. if$
  861. }
  862. FUNCTION {format.assignees} {
  863. assignee empty$
  864. { "" }
  865. { assignee format.names }
  866. if$
  867. }
  868. % 译者格式
  869. FUNCTION {format.translators}
  870. { translator empty$
  871. { "" } % 无译者
  872. { new.block % 有译者
  873. translator format.names ",译" *
  874. }
  875. if$
  876. }
  877. % 机构格式
  878. FUNCTION {format.institution} {
  879. institution empty$
  880. { "" }
  881. { institution }
  882. if$
  883. }
  884. % 组织格式
  885. FUNCTION {format.organization} {
  886. organization empty$
  887. { "" }
  888. { organization }
  889. if$
  890. }
  891. % 文献类型标志代码/电子文献载体标志代码
  892. FUNCTION {bib.type.designator} {
  893. % % DEBUG
  894. % "bib.type.designator(type:" type$ * debug.output
  895. % " url: " url empty$ { "<N/A>" }{ url } if$ * debug.output
  896. % % END OF DEBUG
  897. % 文献类型标志代码
  898. type$ "book" = type$ "inbook" = or
  899. { "M" }
  900. { type$ "standard" =
  901. { "S" }
  902. { type$ "proceedings" = type$ "conference" = or type$ "inproceedings" = or
  903. { "C" }
  904. { type$ "patent" =
  905. { "P" }
  906. { type$ "phdthesis" = type$ "mastersthesis" = or
  907. { "D" }
  908. { type$ "techreport" =
  909. { "R" }
  910. { type$ "article" = type$ "periodical" = or
  911. { "J" }
  912. { type$ "online" = type$ "webpage" = or type$ "www" = or
  913. { "EB" }
  914. { type$ "electronic" =
  915. { esubtype empty$
  916. { url empty$
  917. { "" }
  918. { "EB" }
  919. if$
  920. }
  921. { esubtype "webpage" =
  922. { "EB" }
  923. { esubtype "database" =
  924. { "DB" }
  925. { esubtype "program" =
  926. { "CP" }
  927. { "" }
  928. if$ % electronics[program]
  929. }
  930. if$ % electronics[database]
  931. }
  932. if$ % electronics[webpage]
  933. }
  934. if$
  935. }
  936. { "" } % 其他
  937. if$ % electronics
  938. }
  939. if$ % online/webpage/www
  940. }
  941. if$ % article/periodical
  942. }
  943. if$ % techreport
  944. }
  945. if$ % phdthesis/mastersthesis
  946. }
  947. if$ % patent
  948. }
  949. if$ % proceedings/inproceedings/conference
  950. }
  951. if$ % standard
  952. }
  953. if$ % book/inbook
  954. % % DEBUG
  955. % duplicate$ " doc.designator: " swap$ * debug.output
  956. % % END OF DEBUG
  957. % 电子文献载体标志代码
  958. duplicate$ "" =
  959. { skip$ }
  960. { "~[" swap$ *
  961. howpublished empty$
  962. { url empty$
  963. { "" }
  964. { "/OL" }
  965. if$
  966. }
  967. { howpublished "online" =
  968. { "/OL" }
  969. { howpublished "magtype" =
  970. { "MT" }
  971. { howpublished "disk" =
  972. { "DK" }
  973. { howpublished "cdrom" =
  974. { "CD" }
  975. { "" }
  976. if$ % cdrom
  977. }
  978. if$ % disk
  979. }
  980. if$ % magitude type
  981. }
  982. if$ % online
  983. }
  984. if$
  985. * "]" *
  986. }
  987. if$
  988. }
  989. FUNCTION {format.title}
  990. { title empty$
  991. { "" }
  992. { new.block
  993. title }
  994. if$
  995. }
  996. % 格式化年月日``YYYY-MM-DD''
  997. FUNCTION {format.year.month.day} {
  998. year empty$
  999. { "YYYY" }
  1000. { year }
  1001. if$
  1002. "-" *
  1003. month empty$
  1004. { "MM" * }
  1005. { month text.length$ #2 <
  1006. { "0" * }
  1007. { skip$ }
  1008. if$
  1009. month *
  1010. }
  1011. if$
  1012. "-" *
  1013. day empty$
  1014. { "DD" * }
  1015. { day text.length$ #2 <
  1016. { "0" * }
  1017. 'skip$
  1018. if$
  1019. day *
  1020. }
  1021. if$
  1022. }
  1023. FUNCTION {format.reference.date} {
  1024. refdate empty$
  1025. { ""
  1026. url empty$
  1027. { skip$ }
  1028. { "The refdate in " cite$ * " is missing." * warning$ }
  1029. if$
  1030. }
  1031. { output.state mid.sentence =
  1032. { before.all 'output.state := }
  1033. { skip$ }
  1034. if$
  1035. "~[" refdate * "]" * }
  1036. if$
  1037. }
  1038. % patent的题名项: 专利题名: 专利国别, 专利号~[文献类型标志]
  1039. FUNCTION {format.patent.title} {
  1040. title empty$ % 专利提名
  1041. { "" }
  1042. { new.block
  1043. title bbl.colon *
  1044. nationality empty$ % 专利国别, 专利号
  1045. { % 专利国别为必备项
  1046. "The nationality in " cite$ * " is missing." * warning$
  1047. }
  1048. { number empty$
  1049. { % 专利号为必选项
  1050. "The number in " cite$ * " is missing." * warning$
  1051. }
  1052. { % 产生``专利国别, 专利号''
  1053. nationality * bbl.comma * number *
  1054. }
  1055. if$
  1056. }
  1057. if$
  1058. % 文献类型标志
  1059. bib.type.designator *
  1060. }
  1061. if$
  1062. }
  1063. % patent的出版项:
  1064. FUNCTION {format.patent.publication} {
  1065. new.block
  1066. format.year.month.day
  1067. % % DEBUG
  1068. % duplicate$ "End of format.patent.publication, top = " swap$ * debug.output
  1069. % % END OF DEBUG
  1070. url empty$
  1071. { skip$ }
  1072. { refdate empty$
  1073. { "The refdate in " cite$ * " is missing." * warning$ }
  1074. { "~[" * refdate * "]" * }
  1075. if$
  1076. }
  1077. if$
  1078. }
  1079. % electronic的主要责任者:
  1080. % author 或 organization
  1081. FUNCTION {format.electronic.authors}
  1082. {
  1083. author empty$
  1084. { organization empty$
  1085. { " " }
  1086. { organization }
  1087. if$
  1088. }
  1089. { format.authors }
  1090. if$
  1091. }
  1092. % electronic的出版项
  1093. FUNCTION {format.electronic.publication} {
  1094. new.block
  1095. % 出版地: 出版者
  1096. address empty$
  1097. { "" }
  1098. { address
  1099. publisher empty$
  1100. { skip$ }
  1101. { bbl.colon * publisher * }
  1102. if$
  1103. }
  1104. if$
  1105. % 出版年
  1106. year empty$
  1107. { skip$ }
  1108. { publisher empty$
  1109. { "" }
  1110. { bbl.comma }
  1111. if$
  1112. * year * }
  1113. if$
  1114. }
  1115. %% article的标题格式
  1116. FUNCTION {format.atitle}
  1117. { title empty$
  1118. { "" }
  1119. { title
  1120. newsletter empty$
  1121. { "~[J" * }
  1122. { newsletter "yes" =
  1123. { "~[N" * }
  1124. { "~[J" * }
  1125. if$
  1126. }
  1127. if$
  1128. url empty$
  1129. { "]" * }
  1130. { "/OL]" * }
  1131. if$
  1132. }
  1133. if$
  1134. }
  1135. %% incollection的标题格式
  1136. FUNCTION {format.ictitle}
  1137. { title empty$
  1138. { "" }
  1139. { title "~[M]~//~" *
  1140. editor format.names *
  1141. }
  1142. if$
  1143. }
  1144. %% inproceedings的标题格式
  1145. FUNCTION {format.iptitle}
  1146. { title empty$
  1147. { "" }
  1148. { title "~[C]~//~" *
  1149. editor format.names *
  1150. }
  1151. if$
  1152. }
  1153. FUNCTION {n.dashify}
  1154. { 't :=
  1155. ""
  1156. { t empty$ not }
  1157. { t #1 #1 substring$ "-" =
  1158. { t #1 #2 substring$ "--" = not
  1159. { "--" *
  1160. t #2 global.max$ substring$ 't :=
  1161. }
  1162. { { t #1 #1 substring$ "-" = }
  1163. { "-" *
  1164. t #2 global.max$ substring$ 't :=
  1165. }
  1166. while$
  1167. }
  1168. if$
  1169. }
  1170. { t #1 #1 substring$ *
  1171. t #2 global.max$ substring$ 't :=
  1172. }
  1173. if$
  1174. }
  1175. while$
  1176. }
  1177. % 年,卷(期)
  1178. FUNCTION {format.year.volume.number} {
  1179. year empty$
  1180. { "" }
  1181. { type$ "periodical" =
  1182. { new.block }
  1183. { mid.sentence 'output.state := }
  1184. if$
  1185. year
  1186. volume empty$
  1187. 'skip$
  1188. { bbl.comma * volume * }
  1189. if$
  1190. number empty$
  1191. 'skip$
  1192. { "~(" * number * ")" * }
  1193. if$
  1194. year2 empty$
  1195. { skip$ }
  1196. { "~--" *
  1197. year2 "now" =
  1198. { skip$ }
  1199. { year2 *
  1200. volume2 empty$
  1201. { skip$ }
  1202. { bbl.comma * volume2 * }
  1203. if$
  1204. number2 empty$
  1205. 'skip$
  1206. { "~(" * number2 * ")" * }
  1207. if$
  1208. }
  1209. if$
  1210. }
  1211. if$
  1212. }
  1213. if$
  1214. % %% DEBUG
  1215. % duplicate$ "format.year.volume.number=" swap$ * debug.output
  1216. % %% END OF DEBUG
  1217. }
  1218. %
  1219. FUNCTION {format.date}
  1220. { year empty$
  1221. { month empty$
  1222. { "" }
  1223. { "there's a month but no year in " cite$ * warning$
  1224. month
  1225. }
  1226. if$
  1227. }
  1228. { month empty$
  1229. { year }
  1230. { month bbl.comma * year * }
  1231. if$
  1232. }
  1233. if$
  1234. }
  1235. function {format.year.year}
  1236. { year empty$
  1237. 'skip$
  1238. { year "--" *
  1239. year2 empty$
  1240. 'skip$
  1241. { year2 "now" =
  1242. 'skip$
  1243. { year2 * }
  1244. if$
  1245. }
  1246. if$
  1247. }
  1248. if$
  1249. }
  1250. % 专著标题格式
  1251. FUNCTION {format.book.title} {
  1252. new.block % 生成一个新的block
  1253. title
  1254. type$ "proceedings" =
  1255. { address empty$
  1256. { skip$ }
  1257. { bbl.comma * address * bbl.comma *
  1258. month empty$
  1259. { skip$ }
  1260. { month * }
  1261. if$
  1262. year empty$
  1263. { skip$ }
  1264. { year * }
  1265. if$
  1266. }
  1267. if$
  1268. }
  1269. { skip$ }
  1270. if$
  1271. bib.type.designator * % 标题 + [文献标志代码/电子文献载体标志代码]
  1272. }
  1273. % 科技报告标题格式
  1274. FUNCTION {format.techreport.title} {
  1275. title empty$
  1276. { "" }
  1277. { new.block % 生成一个新的block
  1278. title % 标题 +
  1279. number empty$ % 编号 +
  1280. { "" }
  1281. { bbl.comma * number }
  1282. if$ *
  1283. bib.type.designator * % [文献标志代码/电子文献载体标志代码]
  1284. }
  1285. if$
  1286. }
  1287. % 连续出版物标题格式
  1288. FUNCTION {format.jtitle}
  1289. { title "~[J" *
  1290. url empty$
  1291. { "]" * }
  1292. { "/OL]" * }
  1293. if$
  1294. }
  1295. % 论文集标题格式
  1296. FUNCTION {format.ptitle.volume}
  1297. { title
  1298. volume empty$
  1299. { "~[C]" }
  1300. { bbl.colon volume * "~[C]" * }
  1301. if$ *
  1302. %emphasize
  1303. }
  1304. FUNCTION {tie.or.space.connect}
  1305. { duplicate$ text.length$ #3 <
  1306. { "~" }
  1307. { " " }
  1308. if$
  1309. swap$ * *
  1310. }
  1311. FUNCTION {either.or.check}
  1312. { empty$
  1313. 'pop$
  1314. { "can't use both " swap$ * " fields in " * cite$ * warning$ }
  1315. if$
  1316. }
  1317. FUNCTION {format.bvolume}
  1318. { volume empty$
  1319. { "" }
  1320. { language empty$
  1321. { "volume" volume tie.or.space.connect }
  1322. { volume }
  1323. if$
  1324. series empty$
  1325. 'skip$
  1326. { " of " * series emphasize * }
  1327. if$
  1328. "volume and number" number either.or.check
  1329. }
  1330. if$
  1331. }
  1332. FUNCTION {format.number.series}
  1333. { volume empty$
  1334. { number empty$
  1335. { series field.or.null }
  1336. { output.state mid.sentence =
  1337. { "number" }
  1338. { "Number" }
  1339. if$
  1340. number tie.or.space.connect
  1341. series empty$
  1342. { "there's a number but no series in " cite$ * warning$ }
  1343. { " in " * series * }
  1344. if$
  1345. }
  1346. if$
  1347. }
  1348. { "" }
  1349. if$
  1350. }
  1351. % 版本项格式
  1352. FUNCTION {format.edition} {
  1353. edition empty$
  1354. { "" }
  1355. { new.block % 版本项按一个block输出
  1356. language empty$ % 英文文献版本号自动转换成数字形式的序数词
  1357. { edition convert.edition
  1358. "l" change.case$ " ed" *
  1359. }
  1360. { edition } % 中文文献版本号直接输出
  1361. if$
  1362. }
  1363. if$
  1364. }
  1365. FUNCTION {format.url}
  1366. { url empty$
  1367. { "" }
  1368. { new.block
  1369. "\url{" url * "}" *
  1370. }
  1371. if$
  1372. }
  1373. FUNCTION {multi.page.check}
  1374. { 't :=
  1375. #0 'multiresult :=
  1376. { multiresult not
  1377. t empty$ not
  1378. and
  1379. }
  1380. { t #1 #1 substring$
  1381. duplicate$ "-" =
  1382. swap$ duplicate$ "," =
  1383. swap$ "+" =
  1384. or or
  1385. { #1 'multiresult := }
  1386. { t #2 global.max$ substring$ 't := }
  1387. if$
  1388. }
  1389. while$
  1390. multiresult
  1391. }
  1392. FUNCTION {format.pages}
  1393. { pages empty$
  1394. { "" }
  1395. { before.pages 'output.state :=
  1396. pages multi.page.check
  1397. { "" pages n.dashify tie.or.space.connect }
  1398. { "" pages tie.or.space.connect }
  1399. if$
  1400. }
  1401. if$
  1402. }
  1403. FUNCTION {format.vol.num.pages}
  1404. { volume field.or.null
  1405. number empty$
  1406. 'skip$
  1407. { "(" number * ")" * *
  1408. volume empty$
  1409. { newsletter empty$
  1410. { "there's a number but no volume in " cite$ * warning$ }
  1411. 'skip$
  1412. if$
  1413. }
  1414. 'skip$
  1415. if$
  1416. }
  1417. if$
  1418. pages empty$
  1419. 'skip$
  1420. { duplicate$ empty$
  1421. { pop$ format.pages }
  1422. { bbl.colon * pages n.dashify * }
  1423. if$
  1424. }
  1425. if$
  1426. % duplicate$ "top of stack = " swap$ * warning$
  1427. url empty$
  1428. 'skip$
  1429. { refdate empty$
  1430. { "there's an url but no refdate in " cite$ * warning$ }
  1431. { %duplicate$ "url and refdate is not empty, top of stack = " swap$ * warning$
  1432. "~[" * refdate * "]" *
  1433. }
  1434. if$
  1435. %duplicate$ "top of stack = " swap$ * warning$
  1436. }
  1437. if$
  1438. }
  1439. FUNCTION {format.chapter.pages}
  1440. { chapter empty$
  1441. { "" }
  1442. { type empty$
  1443. { "chapter" }
  1444. { type "l" change.case$ }
  1445. if$
  1446. chapter tie.or.space.connect
  1447. pages empty$
  1448. 'skip$
  1449. { ", " * format.pages * }
  1450. if$
  1451. }
  1452. if$
  1453. }
  1454. FUNCTION {format.in.booktitle}
  1455. { booktitle empty$
  1456. { "" }
  1457. { editor empty$
  1458. { language empty$
  1459. { " " booktitle * }
  1460. % { "Proceedings of " booktitle * }
  1461. { " " booktitle * }
  1462. if$
  1463. }
  1464. { language empty$
  1465. % { "In: " format.editors * ", Proceedings of " * booktitle * }
  1466. { " " booktitle * }
  1467. { " " booktitle * }
  1468. if$
  1469. }
  1470. if$
  1471. }
  1472. if$
  1473. }
  1474. FUNCTION {format.in.ed.booktitle.volume}
  1475. { booktitle empty$
  1476. { "" }
  1477. { editor empty$
  1478. { language empty$
  1479. % { "Proceedings of " booktitle * }
  1480. { " " booktitle * }
  1481. { " " booktitle * }
  1482. if$
  1483. }
  1484. { language empty$
  1485. %{ "In: " format.editors * ", Proceedings of " * booktitle * }
  1486. { " " booktitle * }
  1487. { " " booktitle * }
  1488. if$
  1489. }
  1490. if$
  1491. %% volume
  1492. volume empty$
  1493. 'skip$
  1494. { language empty$
  1495. { "Vol." * volume * }
  1496. { ":第" * volume * "卷" * }
  1497. if$
  1498. }
  1499. if$
  1500. }
  1501. if$
  1502. }
  1503. FUNCTION {empty.misc.check}
  1504. { author empty$ title empty$ howpublished empty$
  1505. month empty$ year empty$ note empty$
  1506. and and and and and
  1507. { "all relevant fields are empty in " cite$ * warning$ }
  1508. 'skip$
  1509. if$
  1510. }
  1511. FUNCTION {format.thesis.type}
  1512. { type empty$
  1513. 'skip$
  1514. { pop$
  1515. type "t" change.case$
  1516. }
  1517. if$
  1518. }
  1519. FUNCTION {format.tr.number}
  1520. { type empty$
  1521. { "Technical Report" }
  1522. 'type
  1523. if$
  1524. number empty$
  1525. { "t" change.case$ }
  1526. { number tie.or.space.connect }
  1527. if$
  1528. }
  1529. FUNCTION {format.article.crossref}
  1530. { key empty$
  1531. { journal empty$
  1532. { "need key or journal for " cite$ * " to crossref " * crossref *
  1533. warning$
  1534. ""
  1535. }
  1536. { "In {\em " journal * "\/}" * }
  1537. if$
  1538. }
  1539. { "In " key * }
  1540. if$
  1541. " \cite{" * crossref * "}" *
  1542. }
  1543. FUNCTION {format.crossref.editor}
  1544. { editor #1 "{ll }{f{~}}" format.name$
  1545. editor num.names$ duplicate$
  1546. #2 >
  1547. { pop$ " et~al." * }
  1548. { #2 <
  1549. 'skip$
  1550. { editor #2 "{ll }{f{~}}" format.name$ "others" =
  1551. { " et~al." * }
  1552. { " and " * editor #2 "{ll }{f{~}}" format.name$ * }
  1553. if$
  1554. }
  1555. if$
  1556. }
  1557. if$
  1558. }
  1559. FUNCTION {format.book.crossref}
  1560. { volume empty$
  1561. { "empty volume in " cite$ * "'s crossref of " * crossref * warning$
  1562. "In "
  1563. }
  1564. { "Volume" volume tie.or.space.connect
  1565. " of " *
  1566. }
  1567. if$
  1568. editor empty$
  1569. editor field.or.null author field.or.null =
  1570. or
  1571. { key empty$
  1572. { series empty$
  1573. { "need editor, key, or series for " cite$ * " to crossref " *
  1574. crossref * warning$
  1575. "" *
  1576. }
  1577. { "{\em " * series * "\/}" * }
  1578. if$
  1579. }
  1580. { key * }
  1581. if$
  1582. }
  1583. { format.crossref.editor * }
  1584. if$
  1585. " \cite{" * crossref * "}" *
  1586. }
  1587. FUNCTION {format.incoll.inproc.crossref}
  1588. { editor empty$
  1589. editor field.or.null author field.or.null =
  1590. or
  1591. { key empty$
  1592. { booktitle empty$
  1593. { "need editor, key, or booktitle for " cite$ * " to crossref " *
  1594. crossref * warning$
  1595. ""
  1596. }
  1597. { "In {\em " booktitle * "\/}" * }
  1598. if$
  1599. }
  1600. { "In " key * }
  1601. if$
  1602. }
  1603. { "In " format.crossref.editor * }
  1604. if$
  1605. " \cite{" * crossref * "}" *
  1606. }
  1607. % 出版地: 出版者
  1608. FUNCTION {format.address.publisher} {
  1609. new.block
  1610. type$ "inproceedings" =
  1611. { pubaddress empty$
  1612. { "[" bbl.sine.loco * "]" * bbl.colon * % 无出版地
  1613. publisher empty$
  1614. { "there's neither pubaddress nor publisher in " cite$ * warning$
  1615. "[" * bbl.sine.nomine * "]" * % 无出版者
  1616. }
  1617. { "there's a publisher but no pubaddress in " cite$ * warning$
  1618. publisher * % 有出版者
  1619. }
  1620. if$
  1621. }
  1622. { pubaddress bbl.colon * % 有出版地
  1623. publisher empty$
  1624. { "there's a pubaddress but no publisher in " cite$ * warning$
  1625. "[" * bbl.sine.nomine * "]" * % 无出版者
  1626. }
  1627. { publisher * } % 有出版者
  1628. if$
  1629. }
  1630. if$
  1631. }
  1632. { address empty$
  1633. { "[" bbl.sine.loco * "]" * bbl.colon * % 无出版地
  1634. publisher empty$
  1635. { "there's neither address nor publisher in " cite$ * warning$
  1636. "[" * bbl.sine.nomine * "]" * % 无出版者
  1637. }
  1638. { "there's a publisher but no address in " cite$ * warning$
  1639. publisher * % 有出版者
  1640. }
  1641. if$
  1642. }
  1643. { address bbl.colon * % 有出版地
  1644. publisher empty$
  1645. { "there's a address but no publisher in " cite$ * warning$
  1646. "[" * bbl.sine.nomine * "]" * % 无出版者
  1647. }
  1648. { publisher * } % 有出版者
  1649. if$
  1650. }
  1651. if$
  1652. }
  1653. if$
  1654. }
  1655. % 出版地: 出版者, 出版年
  1656. FUNCTION {format.address.publisher.year} {
  1657. % % DEBUG
  1658. % "-- format.address.publisher.year(){" debug.output
  1659. % "-- address =" address * debug.output
  1660. % "-- publisher=" publisher * debug.output
  1661. % "-- year =" year * debug.output
  1662. % % END OF DEBUG
  1663. new.block
  1664. type$ "inproceedings" =
  1665. { pubaddress empty$
  1666. { "" % "[" bbl.sine.loco * "]" * bbl.colon * % 无出版地
  1667. publisher empty$
  1668. { "there's neither pubaddress nor publisher in " cite$ * warning$
  1669. "" * % "[" * bbl.sine.nomine * "]" * % 无出版者
  1670. }
  1671. { "there's a publisher but no pubaddress in " cite$ * warning$
  1672. publisher * % 有出版者
  1673. }
  1674. if$
  1675. }
  1676. { publisher empty$
  1677. { "there's a pubaddress but no publisher in " cite$ * warning$
  1678. "" % "[" * bbl.sine.nomine * "]" * % 无出版者
  1679. }
  1680. { pubaddress bbl.colon * % 有出版地
  1681. publisher * } % 有出版者
  1682. if$
  1683. }
  1684. if$
  1685. }
  1686. { address empty$
  1687. { "" % "[" bbl.sine.loco * "]" * bbl.colon * % 无出版地
  1688. publisher empty$
  1689. { "there's neither address nor publisher in " cite$ * warning$
  1690. "" * % "[" * bbl.sine.nomine * "]" * % 无出版者
  1691. }
  1692. { "there's a publisher but no address in " cite$ * warning$
  1693. publisher * % 有出版者
  1694. }
  1695. if$
  1696. }
  1697. { publisher empty$
  1698. { "there's a address but no publisher in " cite$ * warning$
  1699. "" % "[" * bbl.sine.nomine * "]" * % 无出版者
  1700. }
  1701. { address bbl.colon * % 有出版地
  1702. publisher * } % 有出版者
  1703. if$
  1704. }
  1705. if$
  1706. }
  1707. if$
  1708. % 出版年
  1709. year empty$
  1710. { "there's no year in " cite$ * warning$ }
  1711. { type$ "inproceedings" =
  1712. { bbl.comma * year * }
  1713. { publisher empty$
  1714. { year * }
  1715. { bbl.comma * year * }
  1716. if$
  1717. }
  1718. if$
  1719. type$ "periodical" =
  1720. { year2 empty$ % 对连续出版物可以排版 year2
  1721. { skip$ }
  1722. { "--" *
  1723. year2 "l" change.case$ "now" =
  1724. { skip$ }
  1725. { year2 * }
  1726. if$
  1727. }
  1728. if$
  1729. }
  1730. { skip$ }
  1731. if$
  1732. }
  1733. if$
  1734. % % DEBUG
  1735. % duplicate$ "-- }=" swap$ * debug.output
  1736. % % END OF DEBUG
  1737. }
  1738. % 出版地: 学校, 出版年
  1739. FUNCTION {format.address.school.year} {
  1740. new.block
  1741. address empty$
  1742. { "[" bbl.sine.loco * "]" * bbl.colon * % 无出版地
  1743. school empty$
  1744. { "there's neither address nor school in " cite$ * warning$
  1745. "[" bbl.sine.nomine * "]" * % 无出版者
  1746. }
  1747. { "there's a school but no address in " cite$ * warning$
  1748. school * % 有出版者
  1749. }
  1750. if$
  1751. }
  1752. { address bbl.colon * % 有出版地
  1753. school empty$
  1754. { "there's a address but no school in " cite$ * warning$
  1755. "[" bbl.sine.nomine * "]" * % 无出版者
  1756. }
  1757. { school * } % 有出版者
  1758. if$
  1759. }
  1760. if$
  1761. % 出版年
  1762. year empty$
  1763. { "there's no year in " cite$ * warning$ }
  1764. { bbl.comma * year * }
  1765. if$
  1766. }
  1767. % FUNCTION {format.title.type}
  1768. % { title empty$
  1769. % { type empty$
  1770. % { "" }
  1771. % { "there's a type but no title in " cite$ * warning$
  1772. % type
  1773. % }
  1774. % if$
  1775. % }
  1776. % { type empty$
  1777. % 'title
  1778. % { title bbl.colon * type * }
  1779. % if$
  1780. % }
  1781. % if$
  1782. % }
  1783. FUNCTION {format.note} {
  1784. note empty$
  1785. { new.block "" }
  1786. { url empty$
  1787. { new.block }
  1788. { before.all 'output.state := }
  1789. if$
  1790. note }
  1791. if$
  1792. }
  1793. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
  1794. %% 著录格式: 专著
  1795. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
  1796. % 普通图书
  1797. FUNCTION {book} {
  1798. start.entry % 开始
  1799. author empty$ % 主要责任者
  1800. { format.editors "author and editor" output.warn }
  1801. { format.authors output.nonnull }
  1802. if$
  1803. format.book.title "title" output.warn % 题名项
  1804. format.translators output % 其他责任者(可选)
  1805. format.edition output % 版本项
  1806. format.address.publisher.year output.nonnull %
  1807. format.reference.date output %
  1808. format.url output % 获取或访问路径
  1809. format.note output % 备注
  1810. fin.entry
  1811. }
  1812. % 标准
  1813. FUNCTION {standard} {
  1814. start.entry
  1815. organization empty$ % 主要责任人
  1816. { format.institution "organization and institution" output.warn }
  1817. { format.organization output.nonnull }
  1818. if$
  1819. format.book.title "title" output.warn % 题名项
  1820. format.translators output % 其他责任人
  1821. format.edition output % 版本项
  1822. format.address.publisher.year output.nonnull % 出版项
  1823. format.url output % URL
  1824. format.note output % 备注项
  1825. fin.entry
  1826. }
  1827. % 学位论文
  1828. FUNCTION {phdthesis} {
  1829. start.entry
  1830. format.authors "author" output.warn
  1831. format.book.title "title" output.warn
  1832. format.address.school.year output
  1833. format.note output
  1834. fin.entry
  1835. }
  1836. % 会议录/论文集
  1837. FUNCTION {proceedings} {
  1838. start.entry
  1839. editor empty$
  1840. { organization empty$
  1841. { format.institution "author, organization institution" output.warn }
  1842. { format.organization output.nonnull }
  1843. if$
  1844. }
  1845. { format.editors output.nonnull }
  1846. if$
  1847. format.book.title "title" output.warn
  1848. format.address.publisher.year output
  1849. format.note output
  1850. fin.entry
  1851. }
  1852. % 科技报告
  1853. FUNCTION {techreport} {
  1854. start.entry
  1855. author empty$
  1856. { organization empty$
  1857. { format.institution
  1858. "author, organization and institution" output.warn }
  1859. { format.organization output.nonnull }
  1860. if$
  1861. }
  1862. { format.authors output.nonnull }
  1863. if$
  1864. format.techreport.title "title" output.warn
  1865. format.address.publisher.year output.nonnull
  1866. format.url output
  1867. format.note output
  1868. fin.entry
  1869. }
  1870. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
  1871. %% 著录格式: 专著中析出的文献
  1872. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
  1873. FUNCTION {format.collection.editors} {
  1874. booktitle empty$
  1875. { "" }
  1876. { after.title 'output.state :=
  1877. format.editors }
  1878. if$
  1879. }
  1880. FUNCTION {format.address} {
  1881. booktitle empty$
  1882. { new.block }
  1883. { mid.sentence 'output.state := }
  1884. if$
  1885. address empty$
  1886. { "" }
  1887. { address }
  1888. if$
  1889. }
  1890. FUNCTION {format.month.year} {
  1891. month empty$
  1892. { "" }
  1893. { month " " * }
  1894. if$
  1895. year empty$
  1896. { "There is month but no year in " cite$ * warning$ }
  1897. { year * }
  1898. if$
  1899. }
  1900. FUNCTION {format.collection.title} {
  1901. booktitle empty$
  1902. { "" }
  1903. { new.block
  1904. "In " booktitle *
  1905. % address empty$
  1906. % { skip$ }
  1907. % { bbl.comma * address * bbl.comma *
  1908. % month empty$
  1909. % { skip$ }
  1910. % { month * }
  1911. % if$
  1912. % year empty$
  1913. % { skip$ }
  1914. % { " " * year * }
  1915. % if$
  1916. % }
  1917. % if$
  1918. }
  1919. if$
  1920. }
  1921. % 图书中析出的文献
  1922. FUNCTION {inbook} {
  1923. start.entry
  1924. author empty$
  1925. { format.editors "author and editor" output.warn }
  1926. { format.authors output.nonnull }
  1927. if$
  1928. format.book.title "title" output.warn
  1929. format.collection.editors "editor" output.warn
  1930. format.collection.title "booktitle" output.warn
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